Podcasting legend Mur Laffery guest hosts this week.
This week: 1. Far by George Hrab 2. Other Father Song by They Might Be Giants 3. News Of The Stupid 4. Everybody Needs A Robot by Matthew Ebel 5. This Song Is Copyrighted by Beatnik Turtle
Canadian filker Bob Guest fills in for Devo Spice this week.
This week: 1. Frog Pond Blues by Downtown Freddy Brown 2. Twilight Zone, Part 1 by Bob Guest 3. News Of The Stupid 4. Puppies Cooked in Brine by Urban Tapestry
[download]Alchav fills in this week while Devo Spice is still on his hiatus.
This week:
1. The Anti-Wheat by Soggy Potato Chips
2. I Want a Girlfriend With a Car by The G. Wildens
3. They're Coming to Take Me Away by NeuroticFish
4.I Can't Get a Job by Worm Quartet 5. Teabaggin' by Caustic (featuring darkNES)
Insane Ian fills in this week while Devo Spice is busy digging bad caulk out of his shower.
This week: 1. Are You Going To The Weird Al Concert by Creepy Stick 2. Taco Bell by Odd Austin 3. News Of The Stupid 4. Please Buy This EP by Insane Ian
Carrie Dahlby fills in this week and celebrates our new president, among other things.
This week: 1. Stuck With Obama by Robert Lund 2. Hippies Like Me by Todd Snider 3. Life In The Fleet by Devo Spice 4. News Of The Stupid 5. Laundromat by The Roaches
This week Odd Austin fills in for Devo Spice and plays lots of funny songs.
This week: 1. Why Does This Always Happen To Me by Weird Al Yankovic 2. Comedycaze by Dino-Mike 3. Dizzy Spells by TV's Kyle 4. Tech Support (Save Me) by Insane Ian 5. True Gangsta by Nice Peter 6. Filler Song by Odd Austin
This week the great Luke Ski steps in as our first guest host during the great Spice hiatus of aught-nine, bringing with him some cheeseheaded stupidity and a triple-sized horrible movie review. Excellent or Bogus? You decide, dude.
This week: 1. Si Bon by Stan Freberg 2. News Of The Stupid 3. Don't Blame Me by Ookla The Mok 4. Horrible Movie Review by The Day The Earth Stood Still 5. Keanu Barada Niktu by the great Luke Ski 6. Serenity by Paul and Storm
The last show of 2008 brings us the year end News Of The Stupid countdown.
This week: 1. Let's Get Branded by Roy Zimmerman 2. News Of The Stupid 3. Fat One by Ben Twisted 4. News Of The Stupid - Year End Countdown 5. Disney Song by Power Salad
This week we play some Christmas and Hannukah music, and submit our nominations for parents of the year.
This week: 1. This Is How We Jewish by Keith From Up Da Block 2. Podsafe Christmas Song by Jonathan Coulton 3. News Of The Stupid 4. O Tannenbaum by Adolf Hitler 5. WOW, Christmas by Insane Ian