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2009-05-04: Manic Mondays, Episode 208

208The Imminent Swine Flu Apocalypse

This week we play a couple songs about sickness and offer up some much needed information about the swine flu and what you can do to keep you and your family healthy.

This week:
1. The Tussin by MC Chris
2. The Swine Flu by PSA
3. The Flu by Sudden Death
4. News Of The Stupid
5. I'm The Guy by Ben Twisted

    2009-04-27: Manic Mondays, Episode 207

    207Live From RavenCon

    This week we come to you live from RavenCon, and have our first ever live performance of a song on the show!

    This week:
    1. Drunken Sailer by Captain Dan and the Scurvy Crew
    2. Play With Your Wii by Danny Birt
    3. News Of The Stupid
    4. 76 Sad Trombones by Baldbox

      2009-04-20: Manic Mondays, Episode 206

      206Tea Bagged In A Hooptie

      Devo Spice relives a piece of his past, and mocks a piece of the present. This week we hear some cool music by Tom Smith, and new music from a video game involving zombies and flowers.

      This week:
      1. My Hooptie by Sir Mix-A-Lot
      2. There's A Zombie On My Lawn by Laura Shigihara
      3. News Of The Stupid
      4. Tee Hee by Tom Smith

        2009-04-13: Manic Mondays, Episode 205

        205Clothes, and The Lack Thereof

        This week I rant about clothes and play a couple songs about them, although one of them is more about removing clothes than anything else.

        This week:
        1. (Let Me See Your) Titties Bare by Rick Cormier
        2. Rant by I Hate Clothes
        3. She's Addicted To Clothes by Wally Pleasant
        4. News Of The Stupid
        5. Cowboys and Aliens by Jeff Ronay

          2009-04-06: Manic Mondays, Episode 204

          204Live From MarsC… I mean I-CON! Live From I-CON!

          Recorded live at I-CON, this week we interview Marc Gunn and play the new song by Jonathan Coulton.

          This week:
          1. Blue Sunny Day by Jonathan Coulton
          2. Interview with Marc Gunn
          3. Cat Nipped Kitty by Marc Gunn
          4. News Of The Stupid
          5. I Am A Pirate by YTCracker

            2009-03-30: Manic Mondays, Episode 203

            203A Little Fan Fiction

            This week we plug the new releases by Nuclear Bubble Wrap, Positive Attitude, and Baldbox, and report on some more stupid criminals.

            This week:
            1. Fan Fiction by Nuclear Bubble Wrap
            2. Take Me To The Fridge by Mr. Strange and the Lactose Brotherhood
            3. News Of The Stupid
            4. Rejuvinihilator by Positive Attitude
            5. Without You by Baldbox

              2009-03-23: Manic Mondays, Episode 202

              202Nobody Wants SyFy

              This week we hear new music by Captain Dan and the great Luke Ski, and some old music by Tony Goldmark, while we rant about the SciFi channel's recent announcement that they're changing their name to SyFy.

              This week:
              1. Calypso's Crabs by Captain Dan and the Scurvy Crew
              2. Rant by SyFy
              3. Spock Star by the great Luke Ski
              4. News Of The Stupid
              5. Penguin On The Telly by Tony Goldmark

                2009-03-16: Manic Mondays, Episode 201

                201A Slew Of New Albums

                All three songs featured this week are from new albums which were released at MarsCon last week. We also review the new Friday The 13th movie.

                This week:
                1. The Depression Song by Positive Attitude
                2. Horrible Movie Review by Friday The 13th
                3. Hey There, Hermione by Insane Ian
                4. News Of The Stupid
                5. A19 by Carrie Dahlby

                  2009-03-09: Manic Mondays, Episode 200

                  200200th Episode Spectacular! Live from MarsCon!

                  Devo Spice returns for the 200th episode which was recorded live at MarsCon in the Dementia Party Room and features an exclusive interview with Baldbox.

                  This week:
                  1. Life In The Fleet by Devo Spice
                  2. News Of The Stupid
                  3. Stupid As Charged by Carrie Dahlby
                  4. Interview with Baldbox
                  5. US Fn A by Baldbox

                    2009-03-02: Manic Mondays, Episode 199

                    199The Oddest Episode of All

                    Odd Austin fills in as the last replacement guest before Devo Spice resumes regular hosting duties.

                    This week:
                    1. Whatever I Like by Alphacat
                    2. Traffic Jam by "Weird Al" Yankovic
                    3. Cap On You by The Fabrications
                    4. I Quite- Live by Nice Peter
                    5. Taco Bell by Odd Austin
                    6. Sum Dum Cat by TV's Kyle
                    7. BeaverDuck by TV's Kyle
                    8. Saving the World as We Know (Mondays at Nine) by Insane Ian