[download]I SEE BLIND PEOPLE!!!!
From Moleman to Douche to Trump, this week's songs let the blind lead the blind!
1. “The Ballad of Hans Moleman†by MC Lars
2. “Douche in Flip Flops†by Undercover Funtime
3. News of the Stupid!
4. “It’s TRUMP! It’s TRUMP! It’s TRUMP!†by Jerry Negrelli
MC Lars is at MCLars.com
Undercover Funtime is at UndercoverFuntime.com
and Jerry Negrelli is at Twitter.com/JerryNegrelli
[download]This week the queen of the internet nerd-musical sings about Comic Con, we get an object lesson about texting and driving from the FuMP Sideshow and we put on our beer goggles for a new song from The Boobles featuring Robert Lund!
1. "ComicCon: The Musical" by Whitney Avalon
2. "On The Phone Again" by Skipp Briggs
3. News of the Stupid!
4. "Lucy is a Guy With Falsies" by The Boobles
Whitney Avalon is at www.WhitneyAvalon.com
Skipp Briggs can be found on the FuMP Sideshow
and The Boobles are at www.TheBoobles.org
[download]This week Devo premieres some live Insane Ian and plays a couple of video game inspired songs, surprisingly not by Insane Ian!
1. "Benedict Cumberbatch (Live)" by Insane Ian
2. News Of The Stupid!
3. "Can't Wait to Play Fallout 4" by Bonecage
4. "Five Nights at Freddy's: The Musical: Night 1" by Random Encounter featuring Markiplier
Insane Ian is at InsaneIan.bandcamp.com
Bonecage is at TheBonecage.com
and Random Encounter is at RandomEncounterBand.com
[download]Happy post-Fourth-of-July to our listeners that can still hear and have enough digits left to still browse for the show! This week's show has a nod to the Greatest 'Merica In The Earth, some TV's Kyle, plus NOTS and a final song that goes Medieval on that ass... literally.
1. "US F’n A (Geographically Correct Version)" by Baldbox
2. "Bear Maximum" by TV’s Kyle
3. News Of The Stupid!
4. "Lady Hath Bustle" by Danny Birt
Baldbox can be found at TheFuMP.com
TV’s Kyle is at TVsKyle.bandcamp.com
and Danny Birt is at DannyBirt.com.
[download]This week Devo goes full-on gay! Hang on... although this will disappoint 42% of male FuMPfest attendees, we're talking the THEME of this episode, not Devo's sexual orientation!
There's also a sobering interview with Killy Dwyer of Kill The Band and a bonus history of 420 courtesy of Funny or Die. Dope!
1. “Two Guys Kissin’ Ruined My Life†by Tom Smith
2. “Defenders of Marriage†by Roy Zimmerman
3. News of the Stupid!
4. Gettin' Spicy with Devo: Killy Dwyer
5. “I Turned You Gay†by KILL THE BAND
6. “Cheech and Chong's History of 420†by Funny or Die
Tom Smith is at TomSmithOnline.com
Roy Zimmerman is at Roy
Killy Dwyer is at KillyTheKid.com
Funny or Die is at FunnyOrDie.com
[download]Devo Spice returns from FuMPFest with a comedy-music hangover and brings us new songs about Fury Road, boobs, and The Simpsons.
1. "Fury Road" by Insane Ian
2. “Boobs Look Funny When You’re Having Sex†by Katie Goodman’s Broad Comedy
3. “Everything’s Coming Up Millhouse†by Allie Goertz
[download]Devo Spice presents the Live Podcasts panel from FuMPFest featuring not only Manic Mondays but also Kyle and Luke Talk About Tunes.
1. "To Date A Klingon" by Devo Spice featuring Carla Ulbrich
2. News of the Stupid
3. "Marvel Poppins" by The Great Luke Ski
4. Kyle and Luke Talk About Toons
[download]It's the week leading up to FuMPfest and Devo Spice is gonna implode soon, so let's have some comedy music to see us through before we all pull our hair out!
1. “Apple Watch Epic Rap†by Oliver Age 24
2. FuMPfest Artist Profile: “What if Your Girlfriend Was Gone†by Carla Ulbrich
3. News of the Stupid!
4. FORMER FuMPfest Artist Profile: “Fueled by Angst†by Worm Quartet
Oliver Age 24 is at oliverage24.co.uk
Carla Ulbrich is at CarlaU.com
and Worm Quartet is at WormQuartet.com
[download]This Memorial Day, Devo spices things up with a piano playing superhero and TWO, count 'em, TWO FuMPfest artist profiles! Freedom comes with a price and this episode may just be one of them!
1. “Hawkeye Sings About His Super Powers†by Jeremy Renner
2. “Goldfish†by Smashy Claw
3. News of the Stupid!
4. “Four Things You Need To Know†by TV’s Kyle
Jeremy Renner plays Hawkeye in the new Avengers movie Age of Ultron
Smasy Claw is at Smashyclaw.com
TV’s Kyle is at TVsKyle.bandcamp.com