[download]This week's songs imagine different creatures from the animal world in our country's highest position: Snakes, a Rhino, and Derwood Bowen! Well, Derwood sings Bjork, so that's worth a vote!
1. “President Snakes†by The Doubleclicks
2. “President Rhino†by Psychostick
3. News Of The Stupid!
4. “Exterminators†by Derwood Bowen
The Doubleclicks are at TheDoubleclicks.com
Pychostick is at Psychostick.com
and Derwood Bowen is at DerwoodBowen.com
[download]This week Devo Spice explores words that have several different meanings and we return to the world of the meatless.
1. "Urban Dictionary" by Dino-Mike featuring Bonecage
2. "Duck Butter" by Skrooz Lewis
3. News of the Stupid
4. "Vegetarians" by The Kickass Parody Project
[download]Raymond and Scum, Power Salad, and Trevor Strong are the featured artists this week plus the usual News of the Stupid... now with more flatulence!
1. “Lando (Episode VII)†by Raymond and Scum
2. “In My Driverless Car†by Power Salad
3. News of the Stupid!
4. “If You Wanna Write A Pop Song†by Trevor Strong
Raymond and Scum are at RaymondAndScum.com
Power Salad is at PowerSalad.com
and Trevor Strong is at TrevorStrong.org
[download]This week Devo Spice highlights 3 brand new releases to get your brand new week going with brand new laughs! Did we mention they're BRAND NEW???
1. “Weird Science†by Consortium of Genius
2. “Free (Angry) Bird†by Danny Birt
3. News Of The Stupid!
4. “Frozen Lullaby†by Garfunkel and Oates
Consortium of Genius is at ConsortiumOfGenius.com
Danny Birt is at DannyBirt.com
and Garfunkel and Oates are at GarfunkelAndOates.com
[download]Good morning, and WELCOME to Manic Mondays, the show that subliminally exposes what Devo Spice experienced over the weekend... in SONG!
This Monday there's NO MEAT FOR YOU, Devo gives bad advice (which may or may not be a good thing for Dr. Who fans), some porn, and we hear Adam Sandler's career! Plus the usual NOTS! Show marked explicit for language and all this porn!
1. “Meatless Monday†by Jeff Reuben
2. Bad Advice with Devo Spice!
3. “Pornostar†by The Four Postmen
4. News Of The Stupid!
5. “The Adam Sandler Song†by The Nostalgia Critic
Jeff Reuben is at JeffReuben.com
The Four Postment are at FourPostmen.com
and The Nostalgia Critic is at ChannelAwesome.com
[download]In this episode Devo Spice reviews the new Fantastic Four film in "Horrible Movie Reviews" (which should tell you something about the film) and plays some new and classic tunes!
1. “Cats at Parties†by The Doubleclicks
2. Horrible Movie Reviews: "The Fantastic Four"
3. “Doctor Doom†by Ookla The Mok
4. News of the Stupid!
5. “Pac-Man Fever (Eat ‘Em Up) 2015†by Buckner and Garcia
The Doubleclicks are at TheDoubleclicks.com
Ookla the Mok is at OoklaTheMok.com
and Buckner and Garcia are at BucknerGarcia.com
1. “Head Trauma†by Pudding Capacity
2. “Old is Getting Older Every Day†by Trevor Strong
3. News of the Stupid
4. “Guitarzan†by Ray Stevens
Pudding Capacity is at InsaneIan.bandcamp.com
Trevor Strong is at TrevorStrong.org
and Ray Stevens is at RayStevens.com