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2016-09-12: Manic Mondays Episode 482

482Boldly Going... in Our Adult Diapers
[download]Hey! Star Trek is FIFTY!! (50!!!!) Feel OLD yet? No? Well then let's ALSO go back to the 1980s (which was almost FORTY years ago!) and then celebrate the life of another fallen homie, Gene Wilder. RIP, Mr. Wonka, and pass the chocolate laxatives.

1. “Star Trekkin’” by The Firm
2. “Mmm mmm 80s (Three Kids)” by Bonecage
3. News of the Stupid
4. “Puttin’ On the Ritz” by Gene Wilder

The Firm’s music can be found on Pandora and Spotify
Bonecage is at
And Gene Wilder is now in a better place, away from all the ravages of 2016

    2016-09-05: Manic Mondays Episode 481

    481Those Post-FuMPfest Blues But It's Labor Day So It's Gonna Be OK Non-Blues Extravaganza!
    [download]FuMPfest is over, so we can quit harping on it... except that we can't. We miss it. Good thing we can relive a highlight through the miracle of RECORDING TECHNOLOGY!!! And holy schmolians, this episode also has facial-hair-rock, an ode to a new video game, News of the Stupid, AND Bad Advice With Devo Spice!
    It's gonna be OK after all!!

    1. “The Here and Now (Live at FuMPFest 2016)” by the great Luke Ski
    2. BAWDS! (Bad Advice With Devo Spice. Yeah, yeah, we're workin' on it)
    3. “Obey the Beard” by Psychostick
    5. “What’s That?!?” by The Axe Man

    - The great Luke Ski is at
    - Psychostick is at
    - The Axe Man is at

      2016-08-29: Manic Mondays Episode 480

      480Live From FuMPFest 2016
      [download]This week's episode was recorded live at FuMPFest 2016, featuring performances by Insane Ian, and Luke Ski and Carrie Dahlby. Also, Vambre and Prohias' Best Rapport podcast!

        2016-08-22: Manic Mondays Episode 479

        479FuMPfest Spotlight: Zack Shornick and the Pathetic Men
        [download]Our final FuMPfest spotlight for the year goes to Zack Shornick and the Pathetic Men! And the rest of the show goes to hell with the likes of Trump and the absence of beer!

        1. “King Trump” by Bob Rivers
        2. FuMPfest Spotlight: Zack Shornick and the Pathetic Men! “Mother Me (Live)” by Zack Shornick and the Pathetic Men
        3. Le News of Le Stupid
        4. “In Heaven There Is No Beer” by Clean Living

        Bob Rivers is at
        Zack Shornick and the Pathetic Men is at
        And that Clean Living song is from the early 70s so no web site for them, but you can still find that one on various compilations if you look around.

          2016-08-15: Manic Mondays Episode 478

          478FuMPfest Spotlight: The Gothsicles!
          [download]This week's episode highlights the dancey-in-your-pantsy that is The Gothsicles, plus serves up some NEW Barnes and Barnes and confounded cowboy conundrums!

          1. “Hell’s On Fire” by Barnes & Barnes
          2. FuMPfest Spotlight: The Gothsicles! “Cthulhu Fhartwagon” by The Gothsicles
          3. News of the STUPID!
          4. “Country Song” by Bo Burnham

          Barnes and Barnes are at, which hasn’t been updated since 2009, so to get their new album you’ll have to go directly to
          The Gothsicles are at
          And Bo Burnham is at

            2016-08-08: Manic Mondays Episode 477

            477FuMPfest Spotlight: Seamonkey and Library Bards!
            [download]This week's episode medals in every event! From a Duran Duran parody about this year's Olympic Games to spotlights on FuMPfest 2016 performers Seamonkey and Library Bards (separately, not together... don't worry, Bards, your rep is solid), this episode grabs the gold(platedaluminum)!

            1. “Rio” by Chuckleball
            2. News... of... THE STUPID!!!!
            3. FuMPfest Spotlight: Seamonkey! “She’s Underage” by Seamonkey
            4. FuMPfest Spotlight No. 2: Library Bards! “Buccaneer” by Library Bards

            Chuckleball is at
            Seamonkey is at
            And Library Bards are at Library

              2016-08-01: Manic Mondays Episode 476

              476FuMPfest Spotlight: Rob Paravonian!
              [download]This week's episode puts the spotlight on comedian Rob Paravonian, gets down to business and catches AAAAAAAALLL them STDs!

              1. “It’s Business Time” by Flight of the Conchords
              2. FuMPfest Spotlight: Rob Paravonian - “The Real Story Behind the Trump Campaign’s New Logo” by Rob Paravonian
              3. News of the STUPID!
              4. “STD’s: Gotta Catch ‘Em All!” by Brentalfloss

              Flight of the Conchords are at
              Rob Paravonian is at
              And Brentalfloss is at

                2016-07-25: Manic Mondays Episode 475

                475FuMPFest Spotlights: MEGATHRUSTER and Worm Quartet
                [download]This week we have two more artists who will be performing at FuMPFest, and a fund raiser for a very good cause.

                1. "The Top 10 Things to Never Say on a First Date" by MC Lars
                2. FuMPFest Spotlight: MEGATHRUSTER! "Other People Playing Minecraft" by MEGATHRUSTER
                3. News of the Stupid
                4. FuMPFest Spotlight: Worm Quartet! "The Ballad of Dr. Stopp" by Worm Quartet

                Please visit to pick up MC Lars' entire discography for as little as $1 and help raise money for suicide prevention.

                  2016-07-18: Manic Mondays Episode 474

                  474FuMPfest Spotlight: Dino-Mike and Pokemon!
                  [download]This week's FuMPfest Spotlight is on Pokemo... crap, wait... it's Dino-Mike! Everything ELSE is Pokémon!

                  1. “Pokeball” by Todd Chappelle
                  2. NEWS OF THE POKEMON!
                  3. FuMPfest Spotlight: Dino-Mike! “Creepy Kind of Love” by Dino-Mike
                  4. “Ghostbusters” by Insane Ian featuring the great Luke Ski and Devo Spice
                  5. BONUS SONG FRUM $EAM0NK3Y: “I Choose You To DIE!” by Starbomb

                  Todd Chappelle is at
                  Dino-Mike is at
                  Insane Ian is at
                  Starbomb is at

                    2016-07-11: Manic Mondays Episode 473

                    473FuMPfest Spotlights: Tom Smith AND Devo Spice!
                    [download]This week's FuMPfest Spotlight artist is... TWO! Tom Smith, the worlds's fastest filker, and Devo Spice?!? Well, yeah, he's an artist at FuMPfest too... though it sounds a LITTLE narcissistic to profile one's self, it IS accurate and does make for entertainment listening to him refer to himself in the 3rd person! Plus, it's not all him, you get Tom and some other cool stuff too, like:

                    1. “Raw Hide (The Waxing Song)” by Reformed Whores
                    2. “Smash The Frickin’ Fairies (Live at PenguiCon)” by Tom Smith
                    3. News of the STUPID
                    4. FuMPfest Spotlight: Devo Spice! “The Comedy-Music Life” by Devo Spice

                    Reformed Whores are at
                    Tom Smith is at
                    And Devo Spice is at