[download]Is it odd on Thanksgiving week that Devo Spice, even with that culinary name of his, didn't consciously acknowledge this week's episode consists of all food-linked songs? No. No it's not odd. It's DELICIOUS!
1. “9 Dollar Cupcake†by Rob Paravonian
2. “Soy Un Butterball†by Perch Theatre
3. News Of The Nom-Nom
4. “Pumpkin Spicemas†by Mikey Mason
Rob Paravonian is at RobPRocks.com
I think Perch Theater is at facebook.com/perchtheater. There is A Perch Theater there but I’m not sure it’s the same one.
and Mikey Mason is at MikeyMason.com
Please help support the show at https://www.patreon.com/manicmondays ! We said pleeeeease!
[download]This week we, erm, honor our President-elect in song, Devo Spice goes 1 on 2 on 1 on 1 with 2D6 (and whomever seems to be passing through), and Cheech & Chong get deported! Plus, Seamonkey seems to be in a fowl mood this week.
1. “Trump†by Bob Rivers 2. Interview with 2D6 at Con on the Cob 3. “Sex Person†by 2D6 4. Election 2016! No, sorry, meant to say, “News Of The Stupid!†5. “Born In East LA†by Cheech and Chong
Bob Rivers is at BobRivers.com 2D6 is at 2d6music.com Cheech and Chong are at CheechAndChong.com
and Shout-out to this week’s new backer on Patreon! - Mario Camou! Thanks!
[download]This week Devo Spice plays songs about not sucking and reviews an album that doesn't suck. I think he needs a new vacuum.
1. “The One That Doesn’t Suck So Bad†by Barry Mitchell
2. Dementia Breakdown: Review of the album, "I Feel Sicle" by The Gothsicles
3. “4 Fat Guys†by The Gothsicles
5. “We Don’t Suck Anymore†by Joey Busse
Barry Mitchell is at BarryFunny.com
The Gothsicles are at TheGothsicles.com and their new album I Feel Sicle can be picked up at TheGothsicles.bandcamp.com
and Joey Busse can be found at twitter.com/joeybusse
Shout-outs to this week’s new backers on Patreon!
- "The Scope" which you can find at TheScopeShow.com, and
- "Kristi Avery"
[download]There's only one thing creepier than the fact that it's Halloween... it's also MONDAY!!! (insert blood-curdling scream here) This week, Devo Spice plays into your fears and gives you songs that are sure to make you shiver... from giggling!
1. “This is Halloween†by The Nightmare Before Christmas
2. “We’re All Gonna Die†by Insane Ian featuring Kiki Canon, Schaffer The Darklord, and Devo Spice
4. “Happy Halloween†by John Zacherle
The Nightmare Before Christmas is probably on Netflix or something!
Insane Ian is at InsaneIan.bandcamp.com
And Zacherle is at zacherley.com (ZACHERLEY.com)
Shout-outs to this week’s new backers on Patreon!
"Marc Gunn" and "Lar DeSouza"
If you would like to help support the show please go to patreon.com/manicmondays.
[download]This week we've launched a Patreon campaign to offer YOU, the dedicated (and paying!) listener some extra stuffs in addition to the quality weekly show that we produce each week for FREE! So if free just ain't cuttin' for you anymore, and you'd like extra things such as stickers, outtakes, or the opportunity to sponsor an episode, go to patreon.com/manicmondays and take a look!
1. “Bad Hombres, Nasty Women†by Songify featuring “Weird Al†Yankovic
2. “Suck It, Trebek†by TEAMHEADKICK featuring MegaRan and MC Lars
3. News O' The Stupid!
4. “P.T.L.†by Mucky Pup
Songify featuring Weird Al Yankovic and can be found at Youtube.com/schmoyoho
TeamHeadKick is at Youtube.com/teamheadkick
And Mucky Pup is at MuckyPup.com
Patreon supporter shout outs this week go to: Michael Charboneau, Wild Card, Whitney Falba, Luke Ski, Jason Schneiderman, and Anita Meinken! Thanks!
[download]Clowns! They come in many different forms... spooky clowns, goofy-talking clowns, even the clowns in our world governments! This week, Devo Spice explores some of the clownin' around that's been goin' down!
1. “Killer Klowns from Outter Space†by The Dickies
2. “Dylan’s Just Screwin’ With You†by Drew Jacobs
3. News of the STUPID!
4. “Putin†by Randy Newman
The Dickies are at TheDickes.com
Drew Jacobs is at DrewJacobs.com
And Randy Newman is at RandyNewman.com
[download]This week's episode is dedicated to Tim Raymus who recently passed away. We also get songs about Trump's taxes and married life, so plenty to laugh until we cry about... or vice versa.
1. “The Last Time Trump Paid Taxes†by Lauren Mayer
2. “Comcast Needs to Die (Common Ground)†by Tim Raymus
3. News of the Stupid
4. “Marry’d Lyfe†by Insane Ian
Lauren Mayer is at LaurenMayer.com
Tim Raymus is at Facebook.com/TimRaymusComedy
And Insane Ian is at InsaneIan.bandcamp.com
[download]A look at the song choices for this week's episode tells us one thing: must be a political voting cycle!
1. “Snake Oil Man†by Zoltan and the Fortune Tellers
2. “I’d Buy That for a Dollar (Four Quarters Ultimix) by Scooter Picnic & the great Luke Ski featuring Lyndsay Smith
4. “Shitstorm†by Sean Cullen
Zoltan and the Fortune Tellers are at zoltanszkly.wix.com/zoltanorkestar
Scooter Picnic is at ScooterPicnic.bandcamp.com, Luke Ski is at thegreatLukeSki.com, and Lindsay Smith Carrozza is at ComicSmith.tumblr.com And Sean Cullen is at SeanCullen.com
[download]This week's episode is toon'rific, with a new Weird Al cartoon theme song, Smashy Claw and Scooter Picnic! Throw in some Bad Advice and News of the Stupid and this episode really gets you animated!
1. “Milo Murphy’s Law Theme Song†by Weird Al Yankovic
2. Noos Ov Thu Stoopid
3. “Pirate†by Smashy Claw
4. Bad Advice with Devo Spice (ding!)
5. “I Live in the Future from You†by Scooter Picnic
Weird Al Yankovic is at WeirdAl.com
Smashy Claw is at SmashyClaw.com and their IndieGoGo campaign can be found at tinyurl.com/smashygogo
And Scooter Picnic is at ScooterPicnic.bandcamp.com
[download]Hey! New game! Can you guess the con from the boob? We couldn't either... at least in reference to this year's choices for President! Nyuk nyuk! This week we have con men and con-ventions, then boobs abound with News of the Stupid and a song about having 2 big boobs... and that time we didn't mean Clinton and Trump!
1. “Take Back America†by Tony Goldmark
2. “Super Duper Con†by MEGATHRUSTER
3. News O' The Stupes
4. “Heavy Boobs†by Rachel Bloom
Tony Goldmark is at Twitter.com/tonygoldmark
Megathruster is at Megathruster.com
And Rachel Bloom is at RachelDoesStuff.com