[download]This week Devo is kicking off the week with a trip to the snack bar. This is my kind of party. Meanwhile, WhatSome28 seems to be confused about what 'snacking' means, Patty Gurdy is getting silly with Billy, and the great Luke Ski is paying homage to the great MC Chris, LIVE from MarsCon! So gather 'round, grab a drink, and let's get snackin'!
1. "Can't Live Without" by WhatSome28
2. "Peg Leg Silly Billy" by Patty Gurdy
3. News of the Stupid!
4. "White Kids Love Hip Hop" by the great Luke Ski
WhatSome28 is on YouTube
Patty Gurdy is at PattyGurdy.com
The great Luke Ski is at thegreatLukeSki.com
Be sure to go to MarsConComedy.com and click on 'Shop' to pick up your copy of this years fundraiser compilation
Thank you to our Patreon backers for making this show possible!!!
[download]This week Devo comes with cheat codes! Infinite lives, here we come! Meanwhile, Derwood Bowen wants to let you know how much he cares, Holy Bongwater are oversharing a bit, and Aaron Fraser-Nash has a chat with Mr. Orlok. Where do I know that name from?
1. "I'll Click Care for You" by Derwood Bowen
2. "Nurples (Live at MarsCon 2024)" by Holy Bongwater
3. News of the Stupid!
4. "Nosferatu Sings a Song" by Aaron Fraser-Nash
Derwood Bowen is at DerwoodBowen.Bandcamp.com
Holy Bongwater is at HolyBongwater.Bandcamp.com
Aaron Fraser-Nash is on YouTube
Thank you to our Patreon backers for making this show possible!!!
[download]This week Devo is doing what he can to keep from freezing up like Jack Torrance at the end of The Shining. Good luck with that. Meanwhile, The Arrogant Worms are feeling a bit stuck, On Company Time has something they need to tell you, and Jake Dewar is... I don't even know. I can't understand a word he's saying. Oh well, the show must go on!
1. "Stationary Life" by The Arrogant Worms
2. "Half Horse Half Man" by On Company Time
3. News of the Stupid!
4. "Mumblin'" by Jake Dewar
The Arrogant Worms are at ArrogantWorms.com
On Company Time is at OCTMusic.com
Jake Dewar is at JakeDewarComedy.com
Be sure to pick up your copy of this years fundraiser compilation at MarsConComedy.com
Thank you to our Patreon backers for making this show possible!!!
[download]This week Devo considers taking up a new hobby. Meanwhile, Lauren Mayer gets a little crabby, Moonic Productions takes a walk in the rain, and ThatLuckyPanda goes on a shopping spree with unintended consequences. 2025 is in full swing!
1. "Kiss the Ring" by Lauren Mayer
2. "If System of a Down Wrote Africa" by Moonic Productions
3. News of the Stupid!
4. "Hot Topic" by ThatLuckyPanda
Lauren Mayer is on YouTube at PsychoSuperMom
Moonic Productions is also on YouTube
ThatLuckyPanda is at ThatLuckyPanda.Bandcamp.com
Thank you to our Patreon backers for making this show possible!!!
[download]This week Devo shares a little too much information. Meanwhile, The Holderness Family need to go on a diet, The Arrogant Worms are appreciating the simple things in life, and Andy Merrill knows which way the wind blows. Let's do this!
1. "Wicked January" by The Holderness Family
2. "My Favorite Pair of Underwear" by The Arrogant Worms
3. News of the Stupid!
4. "I Love Beans in the Air Tonight" by Andy Merrill
The Holderness Family are on YouTube
The Arrogant Worms are at ArrogantWorms.com and ArrogantWorms1.bandcamp.com
Andy Merrill is on Instagram
The MarsCon Comedy Music Track is at MarsConComedy.com
Thank you to our Patreon backers for making this show possible!!!
[download]This week we're getting dressed with Devo! Doesn't that sound fun?! Well, DOESN'T IT?!?! Meanwhile, Morning Sidekick is going commando, Insane Ian has some very concerning trust issues, and JTim and ASam are sharing the secret to finding everlasting love. I hope everyone is taking notes!
1. "Go Commando" by Morning Sidekick
2. "Trust Issues" by Insane Ian
3. News of the Stupid!
4. "Dick in a Box" by Justin Timberlake and Andy Samberg
Morning Sidekick is at MorningSidekick.com
Insane Ian is at InsaneIan.com and InsaneIan.bandcamp.com
Andy Samberg is at TheLonelyIsland.com
Thank you to our Patreon backers for making this show possible!!!
[download]This week Devo is helping us get through another New Years Eve party in the best way possible. I'll give you a hint, it's the cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems. Meanwhile, Richard Cheese is spending Hanukkah in Las Vegas, Weird Al is ringing in the new year the only way he knows how... with a polka! And The War Chrymes are teaming up with none other than me and Devo for a war on eggnog. And as if all of that wasn't enough, we've got the best of News of the Stupid! Who could ask for anything more?!
1. "Hanukkah is Las Vegas" by Richard Cheese
2. News of the Stupid!
3. "New Year's Eve Polka (5, 4, 3, 2, 1)" by "Weird Al" Yankovic
4. Best of News of the Stupid!
5. "More 4 Me" by The War Chrymes
Richard Cheese is at RichardCheese.com
Weird Al Yankovic is at WeirdAl.com
The War Chrymes can be found on The FuMP
Thank you to our Patreon backers for making this show possible!!!
[download]Christmas time is here, folks! And Devo has the gas! Wait, that can't be right. Meanwhile, Li'l Jon has just one tiny request for Christmas, Heywood Banks delivers some bad news, and Toby Danger settles the Die Hard debate once and for all. Have a holly jolly Christmas y'all!
1. "All I Really Want for Christmas" by Li'l Jon
2. "You Ain't Gettin' Diddly Squat" by Heywood Banks
3. News of the Stupid!
4. "Die Hard is a Christmas Movie Too" by Toby Danger
Li'l Jon is on Instagram @LilJon
Heywood Banks is at HeywoodBanks.com
Toby Danger is at TobyDanger.com
Thank you to our Patreon backers for making this show possible!!!
[download]This Week Devo has what might be his most genius idea yet...and it involves fruitcake! Meanwhile, There I Ruined It messed around and, well, ruined it, Bill McClintock has a very simple request for Christmas, and Fascinating Aida has some fantastic advice for the holiday season. Have a holly, jolly podcast everyone!
1. "Get Low (Christmas Edition)" by There I Ruined It
2. "All I Want For Christmas is the Beautiful People" by Bill McClintock
3. News of the Stupid!
4. "Most Offensive Christmas Song...Ever?" by Fascinating Aida
There I Ruined It is at There-I-Ruined-It.com
Bill McClintock is on YouTube
Fascinating Aida is at FascinatingAida.co.uk
Thank you to our Patreon backers for making this show possible!!!
[download]This week Devo is getting into the spirit of the season! With eggnog?! Ughh. Meanwhile, Neil Sedaka is having a pretty crummy Christmas, Tim Cavanagh's dog isn't doing much better, and Fountains of Wayne have some Christmas wishes that might prove to be a little tricky to come by. It truly is the most wonderful time of the year.
1. "What a Lousy Rotten Christmas" by Neil Sedaka
2. "My Dog Don't Like Christmas" by Tim Cavanagh
3. News of the Stupid!
4. "Alien for Christmas" by Fountains of Wayne
Neil Sedaka is on Instagram @NeilSedakaMusic
Tim Cavanagh is at TimCav.com
Fountains of Wayne are on your favorite streaming platform
Thank you to our Patreon backers for making this show possible!!!