Another Spears pregnancy, and another Christmas shooting.
This week: 1. It's So Chic To Be Pregnant At Christmas by Nancy White 2. Interview With A Mall Santa 3. Recalled Christmas by Jake Waters 4. News Of The Stupid 5. I'm Beginning To Look A Lot Like Santa by Capitol Steps
Britney's at it again, and we start playing Christmas music.
This week: 1. Oops I'm Pregnant Again by Sue Fabisch 2. News Of The Stupid 3. Bing Crosby's Disfunctional Family Christmas by Greg "Eggman" Moore 4. Overdecorated by Robert Lund
Shoebox and Rob Balder join Tom in a post Nipplepalooza podcast.
This week: 1. Patient 2946065 by Carla Ulbrich 2. News Of The Stupid 3. Positude Is Comin' Look Out by Positive Attitude 4. My Apologies by Worm Quartet
This week we celebrate the holiday known as Pre-Christmas
This week: 1. Holding Out For Hiro by the great Luke Ski (featuring Carrie Dahlby) 2. Triple Shot by The Gothsicles 3. News Of The Stupid 4. I Heart Thanksgiving by Robert Lund
Recorded live at the Dementia Smackdown at Con On The Cob
This week: 1. Get a Real Dog by The Gothsicles 2. Bruces by Eric Coleman 3. White & Nerdy by Derwood Bowen 4. The Future Soon by Rob Balder 5. News Of The Stupid 6. Religion & Politics by Power Salad 7. Goodbye Bill by Carrie Dahlby 8. My Shoulder Hurts by Soggy Potato Chips 9. Let's Make Fun Of The Amish by Soggy Potato Chips 10. Tick by Positive Attitude 11. Klondike Bar by Positive Attitude
This week: 1. I've Got Garageband by Project Sisyphus 2. Fuck The MPAA by Futuristic Sex Robotz 3. News Of The Stupid 4. Emo Kid For Halloween by Jake Waters
[download]So we finally figure out what makes Quagmire tick.
This week:
1. Interview with Glen Quagmire (from Family Guy)
2. The Dog Song by Little Thom
3. Gettin’ Giggity Wit It by the great Luke Ski
4. Have A Peanut Butter Sandwich (remix version) by Art Paul Schlosser
5. News Of The Stupid