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2008-05-19: Manic Mondays, Episode 158

158Things 'N Stuff

This week on Manic Mondays we celebrate my daughter's birthday and announce a contest for Nerdapalooza.

This week:
1. Hey, Birthday Girl by Sudden Death
2. Dear Britney by Carrie Dahlby
3. News of the Stupid
4. Skrew U by Throwing Toasters
5. Men's Health Magazine by Rob Paravonian

    2008-05-12: Manic Mondays, Episode 157

    15722 Minutes

    Happy Mothers Day everyone! As a gift I'm sparing you from seeing a crappy movie.

    This week:
    1. Soccer Mom by Sue Fabisch
    2. News Of The Stupid
    3. I'll Sue Ya by Weird Al Yankovic
    4. Horrible Movie Review: 88 Minutes
    5. Helium by John Forster

      2008-05-05: Manic Mondays, Episode 156

      156For The Kiddies

      This week we explore some demented music for and about kids.

      This week:
      1. I Had A Shoggoth by Tom Smith
      2. You're Just A Child by Sean Cullen
      3. News Of The Stupid
      4. Who'll Stop McCain by Robert Lund

        2008-04-28: Manic Mondays, Episode 155

        155Live From RavenCon

        Recorded live from RavenCon, featuring Rob Balder, Mur Lafferty, and Danny Birt.

        This week:
        1. The Speeding Ticket Song by Danny Birt
        2. Anatomy, Gravity, and You by Danny Birt
        3. I'm Sorry That The Warp Gate Sucked Away Our Son by Beatnik Turtle
        4. News Of The Stupid
        5. These Jeans by Project Sisyphus

          2008-04-21: Manic Mondays, Episode 154

          154Announcing Nerdapalooza

          This week we feature two artists performing at Nerdapalooza in Orlando this July 4th.

          This week:
          1. With Blinds Wide Open by Robert Lund
          2. News Of The Stupid
          3. The Rappist by Schaffer, The Darklord
          4. The 7 Seas by Captain Dan and His Scurvy Crew

            2008-04-14: Manic Mondays, Episode 153

            153Senators Can Be Stupid Too

            This week we have a special interview with senator Pat Roberts of Kansas and we talk about the amazingly stupid idea of moving the Plum Island Animal Disease Center off of an island.

            This week:
            1. BEER by Psychostick
            2. News Of The Stupid
            3. Still Alive by Nuclear Bubble Wrap
            4. Interview with Senator Pat Roberts
            5. Hold On I've Got To Take This by Power Salad

              2008-04-06: Manic Mondays, Episode 152

              152Criminal Masterminds They Are Not

              This week we record from I-CON and present a trifecta of stupid criminals.

              This week:
              1. Atari by Odd Austin Aeschliman
              2. Vanna Pick Me A Letter by Dr. Dave
              3. News Of The Stupid
              4. Who Will Save New Jersey? by David Bryan & Joe DiPietro

                2008-03-31: Manic Mondays, Episode 151

                151Live from MidSouthCon

                Tom is joined by Shoebox, Rob Balder, Chris Mezzolesta, Mrs. Shoebox, Kiki and Kira from MidSouthCon.

                This week:
                1. Needlessly Noir by Rob Balder
                2. End Scene And Fade To Black by Nuclear Bubble Wrap
                3. News Of The Stupid
                4. Sheep Marketing Ploy by Tom Smith

                  2008-03-23: Manic Mondays, Episode 150

                  150Alchav In The House!

                  Tom's busy working on another project so Alchav fills in this week.

                  This week:
                  1. Bill and Ted by Rappy McRapperson
                  2. I Hate Old Folks by Screeching Weezil
                  3. All We Want Is Chicks by Psychosttick
                  4. News Of The Stupid
                  5. The Pirate Saga Pt. 1 by Positive Attitude

                    2008-03-16: Manic Mondays, Episode 149

                    149I'm The Most Important Person!

                    A song from the new Power Salad album, and another from the recent They Might Be Giants kids album.

                    This week:
                    1. Mr. Most Important Person by Power Salad
                    2. Living On A Roll And A Prayer by Hot Waffles
                    3. News Of The Stupid
                    4. Seven Days Of The Week by They Might Be Giants