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2008-10-06: Manic Mondays, Episode 178

178Live from Con On The Cob

Recorded live at Con On The Cob 2008, featuring performances by many of the musical guests.

This week:
1. Dead Nintendo by Rob Balder
2. It's A Mad Mad Mad Mad Lib by Worm Quartet
3. Pac-Man by Carrie Dahlby
7. News Of The Stupid
4. Ice Cream Has No Bones by Power Salad
5. unknown by Randy Hoffman
6. Dead Again Winners
7. Dramatic Reading by Curtis
8. Pirate Song by Positive Attitude featuring Alchav

    2008-09-29: Manic Mondays, Episode 177

    177Con On The Cob Extravagasm!

    This week is all about Con On The Cob! We play music by a few of the artists performing at next week's convention and interview con-master Andy Hopp.

    This week:
    1. It Had To Be You by Rob Balder
    2. Interview with Andy Hopp
    3. Jane Doe by Seamonkey
    4. News Of The Stupid
    5. The Table Near The Band by Power Salad

      2008-09-22: Manic Mondays, Episode 176

      176Heroes and Pirates

      We roast the VP nominees and hear some new music by Captain Dan.

      This week:
      1. Fightin' Joe Biden by Red State Update
      2. I'm Thinkin' 'Bout Nailin' Sarah Palin by Steve Goodie
      3. News Of The Stupid
      4. Rum & Juice by Captain Dan and His Scurvy Crew
      5. Hazy Shade Of Killer by Carrie Dahlby

        2008-09-15: Manic Mondays, Episode 175

        175Half-Breed Muslin

        A crude and inaccurate political sign makes the news this week, as does a politician. We get a new song about Sarah Palin and an old song about pulling one's groin. Fun all around.

        This week:
        1. Hey Sarah Sarah by Punch 59
        2. I Pulled My Groin by The Arrogant Worms
        3. News Of The Stupid
        4. Scud by The Great Luke Ski
        5. Enter Sandman by Richard Cheese

          2008-09-08: Manic Mondays, Episode 174

          174That's What Stupid People Do

          This week we feature a couple older songs and a couple newer songs, including one recorded for The Awful Show by Seamonkette.

          This week:
          1. Reality TV by Dave and Brian
          2. That's What Grandmas Do by Stucco Lobster Breadbox
          3. News Of The Stupid
          4. A19 by Carrie Dahlby
          5. Hang Up And Drive by The Awful Show

            2008-09-01: Manic Mondays, Episode 173

            173Natural Monday Enhancement

            This is one of those unnecessary shows since most people are off from work, but that's no excuse for me to take a week off! So this week we got some funny stuff by Robert Lund and Bob Rivers, of course the news, and we welcome back Tom Smith to the world of musical production.

            This week:
            1. I Peed In The Pool by Robert Lund
            2. My Cabbie Is A Maadman by Cab City Combo
            3. News Of The Stupid
            4. 3 Inch Tool by Bob Rivers
            5. Barbie Doll by Tom Smith

              2008-08-25: Manic Mondays, Episode 172

              172Target: Audience

              The Great Luke Ski stops buy to discuss his new album Target:Audience, and we meet a stupid man who just won't die. Also, don't forget to pick up your copy of Mur Lafferty's "Playing For Keeps" on sale now at

              This week:
              1. DOA Captain America by Throwing Toasters
              2. Interview With The Great Luke Ski
              3. Battlestar Rhapsody by The Great Luke Ski
              4. News Of The Stupid
              5. Luna, See? by Insane Ian

                2008-08-18: Manic Mondays, Episode 171

                171The RIAA Pays

                We say goodbye to Chef, there are just 2 weeks left to enter the FuMP video contest, and we celebrate a setback for the RIAA.

                This week:
                1. Simultaneous Lovin' by Chef from South Park
                2. Domino Death by Tom Smith
                3. News Of The Stupid
                4. BACON! by The Great Luke Ski
                5. Download This Song by MC Lars

                  2008-08-11: Manic Mondays, Episode 170

                  170Quick! Call 911

                  Another funny song about being the opening act, and apparently people from Florida think 911 is a party line.

                  This week:
                  1. Count To 10 by Paul & Storm
                  2. Opening Act by Ugly Duckling
                  3. News Of The Stupid
                  4. N.R.L. by Throwing Toasters
                  5. Nerdy Girls by Marc With A C

                    2008-08-04: Manic Mondays, Episode 169

                    169Playing For Keeps

                    From the universe of Mur Lafferty's Playing For Keeps comes a special episode of Manic Mondays. In Seventh City, birthplace of super powers, there exist egotistical heroes, manipulative villains, and third wave heroes who do not have their superhero license because they were not deemed useful enough by the academy. Playing For Keeps will be available on bookshelves and at on August 25th.

                    This week:
                    1. Superfriends by Sudden Death
                    2. Interview With The Piddler
                    3. Theme From Super Skrull by Ookla The Mok
                    4. News Of The Stupid
                    5. Rogue by Beth Kinderman