[download]This week we focus on TV, music, and video games. The good, the bad, and the ugly.
1. "Write Like The Wind (George R.R. Martin)" by Paul and Storm 2. "Some Crappy Song I Used To Like" by The American Comedy Network 3. News of the Stupid 4. "Banjo-Kazooie With Lyrics" by Brentalfloss
[download]This week we've got a new release by Kobi LaCroix, a breakdown of the new Scooter Picnic album, and of course zombies. And they're not even the stupid ones.
This week: 1. "Orange Glo" by Kobi LaCroix 2. News of the Stupid 3. "Tasty Face" by MC Chris 4. Dementia Breakdown: Headliners by Scooter Picnic 5. "Y'all Don't Even Know How Puff I Be" by Scooter Picnic
[download]This week's show is all about the Logan Awards which were given out this past weekend at DeepSouthCon in a ceremony hosted by Dr. Demento.
On this week's show: 1. The Muppet Show Theme by OK Go and The Muppets 2. News of the Stupid 3. It's Not Just For Gays Anymore by Neil Patrick Harris 4. Snoopy The Dogg by the great Luke Ski
[download]On this week's show we celebrate some science fiction, and hope that a crazed gunman doesn't invade DeepSouthCon next weekend.
This week: 1. "I've Just Been On Facebook" by El Kabong 2. News of the Supid 3. "Fuck Me, Ray Bradbury" by Rachel Bloom 4. "Trekkies and We Know It" by Scrimshank Records
[download]On this week's show we finally announce this new web site! No, this one. The one you're reading right now. We also finally get some information about Nerdapalooza.
This week: 1. "I Don't Give a Shit About Your Website" by Worm Quartet 2. News of the Stupid 3. "Whatever You Like" (Parody Of "Whatever You Like" By T.I.) by Weird Al Yankovic 4. Bad Advice with Devo Spice 5. "MvL" by Insane Ian (live at Nerdapalooza 2011
[download]Shoebox of Worm Quartet fills in for Devo Spice who is off gallivanting around BaltiCon and takes this opportunity to shamelessly plug his new Kickstarter campaign.
This week:
1. The Laundromat of Sin by Worm Quartet
2. News of the Stupid
3. Even Hitler Had A Girlfriend by The Mr. T Experience
4. Sitting Politely by Garden Fresh
[download]This week's show is all about the taking place June 7-10 in lower Manhattan. I got a chance to speak to festival organizer Jessica Delfino about the event and we play some songs by just a few of the more than 50 artists performing that weekend.
This week: 1. I Wanna Be Famous by Jessica Delfino 2. Interview with Jessica Delfino 3. Girl Crush by Reformed Whores 4. News of the Stupid 5. Chubby Chaser by Ben Lerman --- From the album
[download]On this week's episode of Manic Mondays we say goodbye to MCA of The Beastie Boys and hear about two new releases in the world of comedy music. And, of course, news, since there is never a shortage of stupid people.
1. Egg Man by The Beastie Boys from the album Paul's Boutique 2. We Are Scooter Picnic by Scooter Picnic from the album Headliners 3. News of the Stupid 4. Rize Of The Fenix by Tenacious D
[download]This week we celebrate the release of The Avengers, get some grammar education, and watch as two stupid kids get run over.
This week: 1. Avengers Disassembled (Director's Cut) by Chris Wolvie 2. News Of The Stupid 3. Lose Is A Four Letter Word by Power Salad 4. I've Got A Tan by The Four Postmen