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2012-08-20: Manic Mondays, Episode 273

273Would You Like To Take A Survey?
[download]Click here to listen: Would You Like To Take A Survey?

This week Devo Spice shows off the results of the first newly remixed and remastered Sudden Death songs. To take the survey for songs to appear on the new Best of Sudden Death compilation click here:

1. "Do You Piss In The Shower?" by Sudden Death
2. "Auto Correct Love Song" by Todd Chappelle
3. News of the Stupid
4. "The Internet Is A Big Warm Hug For The World" by Worm Quartet

    2012-08-13: Manic Mondays, Episode 272

    [download]This week Devo tells the story of Sudden Death and announces the Best of Sudden Death poll for the upcoming 2 CD compilation. Additionally we hear songs by Phil Johnson and Stuckey and Murray.

    This week:
    1. "Geeks Don't Care" by Phil Johnson and Roadside Attraction
    2. Story Time: The Best of Sudden Death
    3. "Dead Rappers" by Sudden Death featuring Hot Waffles
    4. News of the Stupid
    5. "Awkward Sex" by Stuckey and Murray

      2012-08-06: Manic Mondays, Episode 271

      271He's Not MY Uncle
      [download]On this week's show Devo Spice plays songs inspired by or related to his lawsuit against Uncle Louie, the manager of The Fat Boys who Devo paid to get Prince Markie Dee on a verse that was never delivered. For the full details check out this video. This week:

      1. Hi, I'm A Racist! by Power Salad
      2. You Pay, We Play by Possible Oscar
      3. News of the Stupid
      4.Kiss My Ass by Denis Leary

        2012-07-30: Manic Mondays, Episode 270

        270Insanity From Confluence
        [download]This week:
        1. I Wanna See Your Cans by The Boobles
        2. News of the Stupid
        3. Stupid Song by The Arrogant Worms
        4. Artist Interview - Insane Ian
        5. Bob-Omb by Insane Ian

          2012-07-23: Manic Mondays, Episode 269

          269The Hokey Pokey Really Is What It’s All About
          [download]On this week's Manic Mondays we delve into the recent Chick-Fil-A controversy, discover the cure for everything, and teach stupid people how to dial 911.

          1. Chow Down (at Chick-Fil-A) by Willam Belli
          2. News of the Stupid
          3. Bacon Fix by John Mapes
          4. Trivial Mysteries by Project Sisyphus

            2012-07-16: Manic Mondays, Episode 268

            268Damn You Autocorrect
            [download]On this week's show we preview The FuMP Volume 33, talk about the heat, and ponder who breaks into a Subway for the potato chips.

            This week:
            1. So Weird by Steve Goodie
            2. SPF by Scooter Picnic
            3. News of the Stupid
            4. That Auto-Correct Song by Ben Champion

              2012-07-09: Manic Mondays, Episode 267

              267Even Mayberry Had Mondays
              [download]On this week's show we say goodbye to Andy Griffith and celebrate the impending end of the world.

              1. Ragnarok Blues by Prairiebagel
              2. We Love Barney Fife by Guns 'N Moses
              3. News of the Stupid
              4. The Lizard / Absorbing Man / Doctor Doom by Ookla the Mok

                2012-07-08: Manic Mondays, Episode 266

                266Some Crappy Show You Used To Like
                [download]This week we focus on TV, music, and video games. The good, the bad, and the ugly.

                1. "Write Like The Wind (George R.R. Martin)" by Paul and Storm
                2. "Some Crappy Song I Used To Like" by The American Comedy Network
                3. News of the Stupid
                4. "Banjo-Kazooie With Lyrics" by Brentalfloss

                  2012-06-25: Manic Mondays, Episode 265

                  265Tasty Faces and Puffy Vests
                  [download]This week we've got a new release by Kobi LaCroix, a breakdown of the new Scooter Picnic album, and of course zombies. And they're not even the stupid ones.

                  This week:
                  1. "Orange Glo" by Kobi LaCroix
                  2. News of the Stupid
                  3. "Tasty Face" by MC Chris
                  4. Dementia Breakdown: Headliners by Scooter Picnic
                  5. "Y'all Don't Even Know How Puff I Be" by Scooter Picnic

                    2012-06-24: Manic Mondays, Episode 264

                    264The 2012 Logan Award Winners
                    [download]This week's show is all about the Logan Awards which were given out this past weekend at DeepSouthCon in a ceremony hosted by Dr. Demento.

                    On this week's show:
                    1. The Muppet Show Theme by OK Go and The Muppets
                    2. News of the Stupid
                    3. It's Not Just For Gays Anymore by Neil Patrick Harris
                    4. Snoopy The Dogg by the great Luke Ski