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2014-08-25: Manic Mondays Episode 376

[download]This week on Manic Mondays we get all theme-y with a song to celebrate new Dr. Who, a non-qualifying but super-awesome theme submission for the upcoming Festival Supreme, and we round it out with a new theme for Rifftrax! This episode deserves its own theme!

1. “TARDIS Ride” by Devo Spice
2. “Festival Supreme” by Colin Dodds
3. News of the Stupid!
4. “Rifftrax” by Jonathan Coulton

    2014-08-18: Manic Mondays Episode 375

    375More Doubleclicks, Even MORE Morons!
    [download]The whole world is insane and full of stupid people, so Devo breaks the monotony with an interview and song by The Doubleclicks, and surrounds this creamy filling of fun with the luscious springy cake of veeeeeeery soft brain-matter!

    1. “Theme from Officer Down” by Tony Goldmark
    2. Interview: The Doubleclicks 3. “Cats and Netflix” by The Doubleclicks
    4. News of the Stupid!
    5. “That’s A Moron” by Al Mahan

      2014-08-11: Manic Mondays Episode 374

      374Double Your Clicks, Double Your Ski
      [download]This week's episode comes from Orlando Nerdfest where Devo Spice and a host of other comedy and nerdy music performers appeared. This show features 2 of those performers, The Doubleclicks, and a double-dose of the great Luke Ski, who has a new album out!

      1. “Really Big Chickens” by The Doubleclicks
      2. News of the Stupid!
      3. “Scoob” by the great Luke Ski
      4. Interview: the great Luke Ski
      5. “D.P.I. 1” by the great Luke Ski

        2014-08-04: Manic Mondays Episode 373

        373Show for Homophones
        [download]This episode comes with a disclaimer, features the newest Disney princess and the #1 artist in America!

        1. “Legal Disclaimer” by Joe J Thomas
        2. “Mary Poppins Quits” by Funny or Die
        3. News of The Stupid
        4. “Word Crimes” by "Weird Al" Yankovic

          2014-07-28: Manic Mondays Episode 372

          372The Brutal Truth Episode!
          [download]First of all, this week's episode is NSFW! You're welcome.
          We all have to deal with the brutal truth of reality... like the fact that it's Monday morning again! Devo Spice has three brutally honest selections to get your week started!

          1. “We Want to Fuck” by No Face
          2. “Every Post You Make (We’re The NSA)” by Duck Logic
          3. News of the Stupid!
          4. “Incompetent’s Lament” by Paul and Storm

            2014-07-21: Manic Mondays Episode 371

            371Underwater, In A Different Language, On Heroin
            [download]This week's episode features another Bonecage song, a new "Weird Al" parody (which Devo introduces in his best Dolph Lundgren/Rocky 3 impersonation), and some Hobby in your Lobby.
            Plus "News of the Stupid" and an intro by Seamonkey. You can hear why at the very end of the show.

            1. “Mythbusters” by Bonecage
            2. Dementia Breakdown / “Inactive” by "Weird Al" Yankovic
            3. News of the Stupid!
            4. “SCROTUS” by Roy Zimmerman

              2014-07-14: Manic Mondays Episode 370

              370Ultimate Party Episode!
              [download]Man, if you want to be inspired to party your Monday off, Devo Spice offers you these enticing choices... perhaps try all three! Get ready to dance, drink and get yer game on in this episode!

              1. “That DJ Music” by Raffael de Luca featuring Bill Burr
              2. “Day Drinker” by Letomi
              3. News of the STUPID!
              4. “Anthem for XBox Live” by Bonecage

                2014-07-07: Manic Mondays Episode 369

                369The Old, The Short, and the Hitler-Faced
                [download]This week Devo Spice gives you an old guy, a short girl, a Hitler-ish polka and lots of Transformers!

                1. “What She’s Got” by Ray Jessel
                2. News of the Stupid!
                3. “Nothin’ But A Wee Thang” by T-Spoon
                4. Horrible Movie Reviews!
                5. “Der Fuehrer’s Face” by Kranken Welpen

                  2014-06-30: Manic Mondays Episode 368

                  368Back To Un-Reality!
                  [download]Devo Spice is back from FuMPFeST 2014 and is gonna gush like a Belieber having Justin deny paternity!
                  Story Time, News of the Stupid... all back in glorious pre-record and edit!

                  1. “Re: Your Song About My Client Delilah” by Robert Lund and
                  2. STORY TIME! All about FuMPFeST!
                  3. “Titanic Monday” by Carrie Dahlby
                  4. NEWS OF THE STUPID!
                  5. “Who Took A Shit In The Grand Piano?” by Jessica Delfino

                    2014-06-23: Manic Mondays Episode 367

                    367The FuMPFest Live Podcast Panel Mash-Up!
                    [download]This week's episode was recorded live from FuMPFest and features abbreviated versions of Manic Mondays, Luke and Carrie's Bad Rapport, The Pod of Destiny, and The Flopcast.