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2016-02-22: Manic Mondays Episode 454

454Dolphin Selfie
[download]This week's show scans like an old Halloween episode!

1. “Eating Out” by Reformed Whores
2. “You’re The Man (In Black)” by Bonecage
3. News Of The Stupid!
4. “Monster” by Schaffer the Darklord

Reformed Whores are at
Bonecage is at
and Schaffer the Darklord is at

    2016-02-15: Manic Mondays Episode 453

    453Happy "Valentine's Candy Up To 50% Off" Day!
    [download]You've seen Deadpool, watched the season premiere of The Walking Dead, and it was Valentine's Day yesterday so you may have even made some love. We know today's gonna depress the crap out of you... but take heart and run down to the candy aisle and buy up some discount candy comfort and listen to some funny tunes!

    1. “You’re A Mean One, Mr. Trump” by College Humor
    2. “Neurotica” by the great Luke Ski
    3. News Of The Stupid!
    4. “How Deep Is a Birdbath?” by Allan Sherman

    College Humor is at
    the great Luke Ski is at
    and Allan Sherman’s new album Allan Through the Looking Glass is available on Amazon, iTunes, and Spotify

      2016-02-08: Manic Mondays Episode 452

      452Bitter Lait Then Liver: Stupor Bowel Addition
      [download]Did you enjoy the Super Bowl? I mean that 7-layer dip you topped with queso and ranch dressing. Time for your rehab for the indulgence... let's begin with some belly laughs....

      1. “Sausage Party” by Paul and Storm
      2. Bad Advice with Devo Spice!
      3. “A Manly Song” by The Arrogant Worms
      4. N. O. T. S.
      5. “(She’s On) Pinterest” by Dino-Mike

      Paul and Storm are at
      The Arrogant Worms are at
      and Dino-Mike is at

        2016-02-01: Manic Mondays Episode 451

        451Back Off The Wagon
        [download]Ah, February... the month to get back to the way we did things before those pesky New Year's Resolutions!
        Luckily for this show, that's no stretch.

        1. “My Dog Never Multi-Tasks” by Steve Goodie
        2. “Epic Rap Battles of History: Deadpool vs. Boba Fett”
        3. News Of The Stupid
        4. “I Wanna Get In Shape” by Mick Kahler and Al Flash

        Steve Goodie is at
        Epic Rap Battles of History can be found at
        and Mick Kahler and Al Flash are at

          2016-01-25: Manic Mondays - Episode 450

          450MarsCon 2016 Dementia Track Fund Raiser Preview
          [download]This episode is a 30-minute preview of the 4-hour-long MarsCon 2016 Dementia Track Fund Raiser album, featuring live tracks recorded at MarsCon 2015. You can get the full album for only $20 by clicking on the 'Shop' page at

          1. "My Blouse" by Carrie Dahlby
          2. "Coffee And Cartoons (MarsCon 2015
          Version)" by Sponge Awareness Foundation, featuring the great Luke Ski
          3. "I Want A Pie" by Worm Quartet
          4. "The Twilight Zone" by the great Luke Ski
          5. "Lindzilla" by TV's Kyle, featuring Lindzilla
          6. "My Favorite Comic Book $uperhero" by Tony Goldmark
          7. "Separate Checks" by Rob Paravonian
          8. "Abby Normal" by the great Luke Ski, featuring Tony Goldmark
          9. "Existential Blues" by Power Salad

            2016-01-18: Manic Mondays Episode 449

            449Bodily Parts and Functions
            [download]This episode is like a fantastic voyage through the body! I just threw up in my mouth a little.

            1. "Eye of the Newt" by Danny Birt
            2. "Powerball" by Todd Chappelle
            3. N.ews O.f T.he S.tupid
            4. "Ooops There Goes Another" by Hostyle

            Danny Birt is at
            Todd Chappelle is at
            and Hostyle hasn't been a thing since 1989 so they don't have a web site.

              2016-01-11: Manic Mondays Episode 448

              448Totally Nuts!
              [download]This episode is a squirrel's dream come true: nuttin' but nuts!
              1. “I Own A Big Big Gun Because I Have A Tiny Penis” by Entropy on Tap
              2. “Shia LeBeouf (Live)” by Rob Cantor
              3. News. Of. The. STUPID!
              4. “White Coats” by Smashy Claw

              Entropy on Tap’s music can be found on CDBaby and iTunes.
              Rob Cantor is at
              And Smashy Claw is at

                2016-01-04: Manic Mondays Episode 447

                447It's 2016: Only the Songs Have Changed!
                [download]Our New Year's Resolution? To not change a damn thing! This episode is chock full o' new FuMPs, old classics updated, and more mullets and 'Murica than another Baldbox collab (*ahem! hint hint ShoEboX and Rob!*). And by "chock full" we mean one of each. Plus the weekly fave, N.O.T.S.!

                1. “Gandalf!” by Library Bards
                2. “Fire and Rain Update” by James Taylor and Stephen Colbert
                3. News Of The Stupid!
                4. “Make America Great Again” by Mullets Over America

                Library Bards are at
                Stephen Colbert is at
                and Mullets Over America isn’t really a thing, but the Arizona Public Integrity Alliance is at

                  2015-12-28: Manic Mondays Episode 446

                  446GTFO 2015!
                  [download]2015! The Year of A Bunch Of Crap We Don't Wanna Revisit! Wellllll, except for the great comedy music and stupid people that entertained us! Enjoy our year end episode featuring some of the best songs plus Devo Spice's Top 5 Newses of the Stupidses!

                  1. “Biggest Fan” by Dino-Mike
                  2. News Of The Stupid!
                  3. “Itchy Song #1,543” by Steve Goodie
                  4. News! Of! The! STUPID!! The Stupidest of the Stupid, 2015
                  5. “Benedict Cumberbatch” by Insane Ian

                  Dino-Mike is at
                  Steve Goodie is at
                  and Insane Ian is at

                    2015-12-21: Manic Mondays Episode 445

                    445Xmas Scores: The Farce Awakens
                    [download]Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens came out this past weekend! What's that? Oh yeah, it's Christmastime too. So Devo Spice combined the two for this episode! Sort of.

                    1. “What Can You Get A Wookie For Christmas (When He Already Owns a Comb)”
                    2. “Krampus is Coming to Town” by Rusty Cage
                    3. News! Of! The! Stupid!!
                    4. “Eggnog” by Bonecage

                    That Wookie song is from a Star Wars Christmas album called Christmas in the Stars, which is long out of print.
                    Rusty Cage is at
                    and Bonecage is at