[download]We hold these truths to be self-evident... well, that was a good idea in theory, but the reality is that sometimes all that's evident is the urge to hang your head and shake it like a Fujifilm Instax Mini picture (those things are so cute)!
1. “Rush Sings ‘I’m a Nazi’†by WNNX-FM f/ Rush Limbaugh
2. “Oblivious†by Barry Stoltze
3. News of the Stupid
4. “Confounds the Science†by The Parody Project
WNNX FM is at atlantasrockstation.com
Barre Stoltze is at UncleBernieProductions.com
and The Parody Project is at parodyproject.com
Thank you to our Patreon backers for helping make this show possible! Check out the exclusive-to-Patreon Seamonkey interview with DarkNES of The Gothsicles! Super chatty and ultimately revealing!
[download]As we arrive at Labor Day 2017, we thought about just how laborious this year has been thus far and wanted to sum up the hard working, common man's achievements in song... but we didn't find 3 songs like that, so enjoy the fruits of our non-labor!
1. “It’s Tuesday, But It Feels Like a Monday†by Power Salad
2. “Boy's Club (feat. Schäffer the Darklord, Tribe One and Dr. Awkward)†by MC Lars
3. News of the STUPID
4. “Won’t Stay Down†by Whitney Avalon
Power Salad is at PowerSalad.com, and don’t forget to pick up some of his music this month at PowerSalad.bandcamp.com to help the American Red Cross
MC Lars is at MCLars.com
And Whitney Avalon is at WhitneyAvalon.com
Thank you to our Patreon backers for helping make this show possible! If you would like to help support the show please go to patreon.com/manicmondays
[download]Are we getting crazy from the heat? From the Trump? From being @#*&! loons just living on this planet as a human? Whatever it is, the show this week done lost its head!
1. “Summer Time Jam†by Insane Ian
2. "Put the Fucking Lotion in the Basket" from Silence! The Musical
3. News of the STUPID
4. “I Live in a Split-Level Head†by Napoleon XIV
Insane Ian is at InsaneIan.bandcamp.com
The soundtrack to Silence the Musical can be found on Amazon.com
And Napoleon the 14th’s music can be found on your favorite streaming service! (total cop-out)
Thank you to our Patreon backers for helping make this show possible!!!
[download]What do the threat of nuclear war, Nazis, and bangin' donkeys have in common? Well, yes, probably 1945 too... but as history continues to repeat itself it's the theme of this week's show! Kinda like puppymonkeybaby, but a bit more horrifying.
1. “The North Korea Polka†by “Weird Al†Yankovic
2. “The Nazi Punching Song†by Megathruster
3. News of the STUPID!
4. “The Legend of Sex Donkey†by The Bucky Burro Band
Weird Al Yankovic is at WeirdAl.com
Megathruster is at Megathruster.com
And The Bucky Burrow Band are at buckyburro.bandcamp.com
Thank you to our Patreon backers for helping make this show possible!
If you would like to help support the show please go to patreon.com/manicmondays !!!
[download]No one REALLY knows how the end of days will play out, but there are plenty who feel it's just a little bit like NOW! There's nothing you can do to stop it, so enjoy some comedy music and have that extra piece of cake!
1. “So Long, Mom (A Song for World War III)†by Tom Lehrer
2. “Eclipse of the Sun†by Monty Python
3. News Of The Stupid
4. “I Brake For Cake (Next Level Hotel Food)†by 2d6
Tom Lehrer’s music can be found on Amazon in various collections and should be on most streaming services.
Monty Python is at MontyPython.com
And 2d6 are at 2d6music.com
Thank you to our Patreon backers for helping make this show possible!
[download]This week pretty much runs the gamut of comedy-music emotions, from raging hormones, to super-nerdy, and then ending up with a monster hit record! We're about as spent as a couple of nerdy comedy music guys trying to find what they liked about The Emoji Movie! PS: That happens in this episode.
1. “Hormone Hell†by Lauren Mayer
2. N.O.T.S.
3. “Know Your Doctors†by Amanda Cohen
4. Horrible Movie Review: The Emoji Movie (featuring that Ebert of Siskels, the great Luke Ski!)
5. “Monster Hit Record†by Kenny Young and the Eggplants
Lauren Mayer is at LaurenMayer.com and her GoFundMe page is GoFundMe.com/laurenmayer
Amanda Cohen is at AmandaCohen.com
And Kenny Young and the Eggplants are at Kenny Young and the Eggplants.com
Thank you to our Patreon backers for helping make this show possible! If you would like to help support the show please go to patreon.com/manicmondays !!
Manic Mondays is a production of FIDIM Interactive, LLC. Copyright 2017. Hosted by Devo Spice.
[download]It's the end of July and Devo Spice wants you to go to the beach... even though every time he does, he's mistaken for an incinerated tomato! Hey, it's better than that Monday morning cubicle! Listen and float away on our relaxing barge of comedy!
1. “We Don’t Care†by Steve Goodie
2. “A**hole on the Beach†by the Key of Awesome
3. News of the Stupid!
4. “I Wear Speedos†by Mikey Bustos
Steve Goodie is at SteveGoodie.com
The Key of Awesome are at TheKeyOfAwesome.com
And Mikey Bustos is at Twitter.com/MikeyBustos
Thank you to our Patreon backers for helping make this show possible!
[download]Women ruin Doctor Who. Men ruin Ikea furniture assembly. A cop ruins a perfectly good framing. And Michael Bay, once again, ruins Transformers. It's all here on this week's episode of Manic Mondays.
“TARDIS Full of Bras†by Timm McCoy
Horrible Movie Review: "Transformers: The Last Knight"
"Hey Dude! (The Mansplaining Song)" by Reformed Whores
News of the Stupid!
“Ball Adjustment Dance†by Sass N Betties
Timm McCoy is at TimmMcCoy.com
Reformed Whores are at Reformed Whores.com
And Sass N Betties are at SassNBetties.com
And thank you once again to our Patreon backers for helping make this show possible.
[download]Welcome back to work, folks! Get ready to put your nose to the grindstone! Put your back into it! Blood, sweat and tears to advance the company!
May the Snooze be with you....
Orrrrrr you could kick back, grab your fidget spinners, debate Star Wars/Star Trek, and listen to some funny songs!
1. “I Love Spinners†by Rob Paravonian
2. “My Butt Feels Weird (Ask Your Grandma)†by Bonecage
3. News of the Stupid
4. “Princess Leia's Stolen Death Star Plans/With Illicit Help From Your Friend†- Palette Swap Ninja
Rob Paravonian is at RobPRocks.com
Bonecage is at TheBonecage.com
And Palette Swap Ninja are at paletteswapninja.com
[download]This week's post-America episode is still all-American in that we're giving in to allllll those pleasures! Work? Screw it! Cravings? Give in! Spider-Crotch? WHY NOT? Plus "News of the Stupid" with a couple whose cravings started with pizza but ended up in court! Give in against your better judgment and listen!
1. “Let’s Get Out of Here†by Drew Jacobs
2. “Hella Cravings†by Dustin & Genevieve
3. News Of The Stupid
4. “Spider-Man Theme†by Richard Cheese
5. BONUS: “Spider-Crotch†by the great Luke Ski and ShoEboX!
Drew Jacobs is at DrewJacobs.com
Dustin & Genevieve are at youtube.com/dustinahkuoi
and Richard Cheese is at www.richardcheese.com
Thank you to our Patreon backers for making this show possible!