[download]This week we salute The Incredibles, say happy birthday to Kanye West, and marvel at what lengths stupid people will go to to injure themselves.
1. "Flexible" by Whitney Avalon
2. "Kanye’s B-Day Song" by Rick and Morty
3. News of the Stupid
4. "Getting Shot in the Face Sucks" by Worm Quartet
Thank you to our Patreon backers!
[download]Another Monday, another week of working for the man... or maybe NOT working so much! Either way we're here to help you look on the bright side, so kick back, relax, and spark up... uh... whatever's legal in your state!
1. “We Ain’t Got No Business†by Mighty Magiswords
2 “So Far So Good†by Andy Breckman
3. News of the Stupid
4. “Fish Man (Man Fish)†by Bonecage
Mighty Magiswords is at mightymagiswords.bandcamp.com,j
Andy Breckman is at UncleAndyToys.com,
and Bonecage is at TheBonecage.com
Thank you to our Patreon backers for helping make this show possible! Sign up as a Patreon backer for exclusive content!
[download]It's Monday... did you totally waste the entire weekend? Don't worry, we've got you covered with a whole wasted lineup of comedy music! Don't waste any time, let's get wasted on this waste! Waste! Ok, I'm done now.
1. “Dickin’ Around at Work†by Sean Morey
2. “Wasted Space Oddity†by Power Salad
3. News of the Stupid!
4. “Han Solo Sings A Song†by Aaron Fraser-Nash
Sean Morey is at seanmorey.com
Power Salad is at PowerSalad.com
and Aaron Fraser-Nash is on Youtube at TheFrasernash
Thank you to our Patreon backers for helping make this show possible!
[download]Each year at FuMPfest the Logan Awards for excellence in comedy music are given out and while your usual host, Devo Spice, is at FuMPfest winning one of those, Seamonkey, who has exactly zero Logans, fills in with this year's award winning songs.
1. Best Original Comedy Song: "Just For You" by Devo Spice
2. Best Parody Song: "Candybars" by the great Luke Ski
3. News of the Stupid
4. Best Comedy Music Video: "Adulting" by Psychostick
Devo Spice is at devospice.com
The great luke ski is at thegreatlukeski.com
and Psychostick is at psychostick.com
[download]This is FuMPfest Week and your host Devo Spice is open to suggestions!
1. “Oops!†by Henry Phillips
2. “Social Media Song†by Witty Cindy
3. News of the Stupid!
4. “Run Barry Run†by the great Luke Ski
Henry Phillips is at HenryPhillips.com
Witty Cindy are on Facebook at Facebook.com/wittycindycomedy
and the great Luke Ski is at thegreatlukeski.com
Thank you to our Patreon backers for helping make this show possible! Go to FuMPfest this weekend in Chicago! Check out the FuMP's women of comedy music Kickstarter for "Madam Opus: Funny Songs by Funny Women" at tiny.cc/madamopus
[download]If there is one thing we can count on in America currently it is that ridiculous is the new normal! So like that classic cartoon we deny loudly that it is NOT indeed wabbit season it's duck season, as we point the muzzle of the shotgun at our own face and open fire!
1. "Rudy and the Beast" by Randy Rainbow
2. "Fighting for Bottom" by The Shanty Shipwreck Show
3. News of the Stupid!
4. "FCC Song (2018 Version)" by Eric Idle
Randy Rainbow is at RandyRainbow.com
The Shanty Shipwreck Show are on Facebook at facebook.com/ShantyShipwreckShow
Eric Idle is at EricIdle.com
Shout-outs to this week's new backers on Patreon! Mark Ashworth!!
[download]This week's show is, well, all for show as we discuss, in song, ornamental pockets, stand-in commanding and actually caring! Let the posturing commence!
1. “I’m Not Glad to See You Either†by S. Ross
2. “Now You Have the Bridge, Spock†by the Library Bards
3. News of the Stupid!
4. “I.G.A.F†by Steve, the Anxious Rapper
S. Ross is on YouTube (search for Snuggie Kazooist),
The Library Bards are at LibraryBards.com
and Steve is at AnxiousRapper.com
Thank you to our Patreon backers for helping make this show possible!
[download]This weekend gave us the new Avengers movie and while this show celebrates that up front, the rest is in the toilet!
1. “The Marvel Bunch†by The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon
2. “Words That Sound Dirty, But They Ain’t†by Steve Goodie
3. News of the Stupid!
4. “Glory Hole†by Bad Teenage Moustache
BONUS: “Gotta Potty†by Bobby Jimmy and the Critters
The Tonight Show is at nbc.com
Steve Goodie is at SteveGoodie.com
and Bad Teenage Moustache is at BadTeenageMoustache.com
[download]It's been 32 years since the REAL birth of Comedy Rap music, as it was on this day in 1986 that Sudden Death was conceived! Wait a second... that means we have to actually wait 9 more months for the birth, so this is more of a celebration of when Comedy and Rap had sex! We supplement with a FuMPfest artist highlight and the most redundant country song we could find. Bone away.
1. “Blood, Guts, and Boobs†by Sudden Death
2. “Gas Station Disc Jockey†by Power Salad
3. News of the Stupid!
4. “Parked Out by the Lake†by Dean Summerwind
Sudden Death is at suddendeathrap.bandcamp.com
Power Salad is at PowerSalad.com
and Dean Summerwind is at DeanSummerwind.com
Thank you to our Patreon backers for helping make this show possible!
[download]This week Devo gives a special birthday shout out, a FuMPfest artist gets all majestic about Scooby-Doo, and we listen to the next Monster Hit Record!
1. “Happy Birthday (New Version)†by “Weird Al†Yankovic
2. “ScoobyThulhu†by Mikey Mason
3. News of the STUPID!
4. “Monster Hit Record†by Kenny Young and the Eggplants
Weird Al Yankovic is at WeirdAl.com
Mikey Mason is at MikeyMason.com
And Kenny Young and the Eggplants are at KennyYoungAndTheEggplants.com
Shout-outs to this week’s new backers on Patreon! The Library Bards! Set phasers to STUNNING!