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2018-11-05: Manic Mondays Episode 594

594Spooky Part 2
[download]Halloween is over, but that doesn't stop us from serving up MORE scary treats!! Like... helping people MOVE! MUAHAHAHA!!
The newest movie in the Halloween series that apparently ISN'T A SERIES! BOO!
And... VOTING! ... Wait, voting isn't scary... I mean, the current administration is, so... AAAAAAAAIIIIIEEEEEE!!! Blood curdling, isn't it?

1. “Moving Day” by Psychostick
2. “Michael Myers Sings a Song” by Aaron Fraser-Nash
3. News of the Stupid!
4. “Vote Goddammit” by Steve Goodie

Psychostick is at
Aaron Fraser-Nash is on Twitter @frasernash
and Steve Goodie is at

Thank you to our Patreon backers for helping make this show possible!

    2018-10-29: Manic Mondays Episode 593

    593Spooky Spice
    [download]It's the cusp of Halloween and Devo Spice transforms (meaning sorta alters his voice) into SPOOKY SPICE! Your lip will quiver, your bones will turn to jelly and your blood will run cold... but don't worry, that's a normal reaction to EVERY episode we put out!

    1. "I'll Kill You That Way" by The Slash Street Boys
    2. "2 Old 2 Trick or Treat (2 Young 2 Die)" by MEGATHRUSTER
    3. News of the Spooky
    4. "A Halloween Costume No One Understands" by The Doubleclicks

    The Slash Street Boys are on YouTube, just search for them
    Megathruster is at
    and The Doubleclicks are at

    Thank you to our Patreon backers for helping make this show possible!!
    It's also the FINAL 48 hours to back the Kickstarter for the repressing of Logan Whitehurst's "Goodbye My 4-Track"! Go to and back it right now!

      2018-10-22: Manic Mondays Episode 592

      592Something Smells Fishy

      The downfall of social media seems imminent, what with Facebook data breeches, Twitter being a cesspool of hate and depravity, and constant pictures of bros holding fish. On the plus side, soon you'll be able to play golf on the moon, just like the astronauts did!

      F*** Twitter - The Doubleclicks
      Bros Holding Fish - T-Spoon
      News of the Stupid
      Space Force Golf Course - Hardcore Pong

      The Doubleclicks are at
      Katie Haller is at
      And Hardcore Pong is at

      Thank you to our Patreon backers for helping make this show possible.

        2018-10-15: Manic Mondays Episode 591

        591Mondays, A Scary Time
        [download]This week we feature two acts that Devo Spice performed with recently, plus take a look at what it's like to be a man in today's scary political climate.

        The Masturbation Song - MC Chris
        A Scary Time - Lynzy Lab
        News of the Stupid - I'm not getting out of this car!
        Imposta Pasta - Broth

        MC Chris is at MC
        Lynzy Lab is on YouTube, search for LYNZY Lab
        And Broth is at

        Thank you to our Patreon backers for helping make this show possible.

          2018-10-08: Manic Mondays Episode 590

          590A New Era of Bad Judges and Good Doctors
          [download]Devo Spice ushers in a new era with Brett Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court and Jodie Whittaker as The Doctor. He is excited about one of those things. He is also excited about the new Kickstarter to reissue Logan Whitehurst's classic album Goodbye My 4-track.

          On this week's show:
          1. "Devi's Triangle" by Darth Nater
          2. "Doctor in Distress" by Devo Spice
          3. News of the Stupid
          4. "What It's Like in Japan" by Logan Whitehurst and the Junior Science Club

          Darth Nater is at
          Devo Spice is at
          And Logan Whitehurst is at, and don’t forget to support the Kickstarter at

          Thank you to our Patreon backers for helping make this show possible.

            2018-10-01: Manic Mondays Episode 589

            589No Snooze Button
            [download]This week Seamonkey wakes up and fills in for Devo Spice as we get ready for another work week. So get up, shower, take in some news from the toilet, brush those pearly whites and let's get a move on this week with some great comedy music!

            1. "Socks, Sandals, Pajama Pants" by Psychostick
            2. "KAVANAUGH!" by Randy Rainbow
            3. News of the Stupid!
            4. "Metal Slime" The Nightsicles (PS: NSFW!)

            Psychostick is at
            Randy Rainbow is at
            and The Nightsicles is at

            Thank you to our Patreon backers for helping make this show possible!

              2018-09-24: Manic Mondays Episode 588

              588Basic Straining
              [download]Ah, Monday... like a swift kick in the gnards you're back at work being ordered around, which for some people is almost the same at being at home! We're here for you in the form of audio empathy. At ease, soldier.

              1. “And Then She Kicked Me” by Mic McCreadie
              2. “Army Training” by The Gothsicles
              3. News of the Stupid
              4. “Da Anniversary Song” by Da Yoopers

              Mic McCreadie is at,
              The Gothsicles are at
              and Da Yoopers are at

              Thank you to our Patreon backers for helping make this show possible!

                2018-09-17: Manic Mondays Episode 587

                587Go With The Flo
                [download]As hurricane Florence dumps all over the Carolinas (thanks for nothing, Pat Robertson) and life dumps another Monday upon all of us, we're just gonna complain about it to our therapist and go with it!

                1. “The Jeffersons Theme” by Richard Cheese
                2. “My Therapist Thinks You’re an Asshole” by Bad Beth and Beyond
                3. News Of The Stupid!
                4. “Nathan the Predator” by Bonecage

                Richard Cheese is at
                Bad Beth and Beyond is at
                and Bonecage is at

                Thank you to our Patreon backers for helping make this show possible!

                  2018-09-11: Manic Mondays Episode 586

                  586The SPAM Show!
                  [download]This episode is ALL ABOUT SPAM! Edible Spam! Sing-song-y Spam! Spam in your inbox! Spam about Spam! Open those pantries and inboxes and let's get a heaping helping in this episode! Exclamation Point!

                  1. “Spam” by Weird Al Yankovic
                  2. “Spam” by Monty Python
                  3. News of the Stupid!
                  4. “Spam (Let the Pork be Pork)” by Luke Ski’s Psycho Potpourri
                  5. “Spam” by Sudden Death

                  Weird Al Yankovic is at
                  Monty Python is at
                  Luke Ski is at
                  and Sudden Death is at

                  Weird Al Yankovic is at Monty Python is at Luke Ski is at And Sudden Death is at Thank you to our Patreon backers for helping make this show possible!

                  NOTE: Due to technical difficulties the MP3 didn't upload properly so we have rescheduled this episode to release on Tuesday so your podcast clients will properly download the corrected file. Sorry for any inconvenience.

                    2018-09-03: Manic Mondays Episode 585

                    585Labors of Love
                    [download]With "Weird Al" getting his star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, the Aquabats funding new material on Kickstarter, and the fact that someone actually went out and recorded a Labor Day song, the labors of love are strong in this episode!

                    1. “Tickets for ‘Weird Al’ in Sarasota” by Jeff Whitmire
                    2. “The Shark Fighter!” by The Aquabats
                    3. News of the Stupid!
                    4. “It’s Labor Day” by Tim Cavanagh

                    Jeff Whitmire is at
                    The Aquabats are at and their relaunched Kickstarter is at
                    and Tim Cavanagh is at

                    Thank you to our Patreon backers for helping make this show possible!