[download]We offer this show as a way to get through the existential dread that is waking up on a Monday morning! There are other ways to make yourself feel better... learn a new dance, mock your adversaries in song, or just focus on the pain. Here are a few ditties to help you do just that!
1. "Do the Necronomicon" by Evil Dead: The Musical Original Cast
2. "Snub the Californians" by 2d6
3. News of the STUPID
4. "I Only Feel It When It Hurts (Longer Than Album Version)" by TV's Kyle
The Evil Dead Musical Soundtrack can be found on Amazon
2d6 is at 2d6music.com
and TV's Kyle is at TVsKyle.bandcamp.com and be sure to support him on Kickstarter at www.kickstarter.com/projects/1631456304/commodore-touchdown-a-new-album-by-tvs-kyle?ref=user_menu
[download]For a majority of Americans (we have absolutely no evidence to back that up) today is a no-work holiday as we remember those fallen in combat and pay tribute by, according to this week's playlist, dancing a polka jig, hitting puberty with bra ads, and grilling up some very questionable Krabby Patties. We thank you for your sacrifice.
1. "No Work Today" by Brave Combo
2. "Mother's Sears And Roebuck Catalog/With A Little Help From The Twins" by The Boobles
3. News of the Stupid!
4. "The Silence of the Sponge" by Green Jelly
Brave Combo is at BraveCombo.com
The Boobles are at TheBoobles.org
and Green Jelly is at greenjellosuxx.com
Thank you to our Patreon backers for helping make this show possible!
[download]On this week's show Devo Spice sneaks us into the Friar's Club (no jacket required) and lets us hear some of the great acts from this year's New York Comedy Music Fest! I don't know what kind of hearing a fly has, they're more known for their eyes, but climb on the nearest wall, regurgitate on a snack, and be the fly at NYCMF!
1. "Office Speak" by Saunty Yubear
2. "Driving with Grandpa" by Rob Paravonian
3. Nuze Uv Tha Stuuped
4. "Put It in my Butt" by Jess Feeney
Saunt Yübear is at facebook.com/sauntyubear/
Rob Paravonian is at RobPRocks.com
and Jess Feeney is on Twitter @justfeeney
Thank you to our Patreon backers for helping make this show possible!
[download]Yesterday was Mother's Day and while all the cards and flowers were nice, today's show has more of what mom wants, from affirmations of her wisdom to healing from those childhood scars to her own personal shaving marmot! Next year save money on the expensive lunch and birthstone necklace and play her this show instead! Go ahead... try it... she brought you into this world and....
1. "Sometimes Mother Really Does Know Best" by Christine Lavin
2. "Show Me on the Doll" by Bad Beth and Beyond
3. News of the Stupid
4. "Shaving Desires" by Devo Spice
Christine Lavin is at christinelavin.com
Bad Beth and Beyond is at facebook.com/showmeonthedoll69
and Devo Spice is at DevoSpice.com
Thank you to our Patreon backers for helping make this show possible!
[download]In this episode we look to the past for some newly released stuff, look forward to something else by playing something released in the past about a future date, and then disappear off the face of the earth. Kinda like the newest Avengers movie.
1. "Hello Muddah Hello Faddah (Sands Version)" by Allan Sherman
2. "Spiders and Rain" by Jessica Delfino
3. News of the Stupid!
4. "Charlie and the TSA" by Steve Goodie and Andy Corwin
Allan Sherman Live at the Sands is available on all your favorite streaming platforms.
Jessica Delfino is at JessicaDelfino.com
The New York Comedy Music Festival is taking place May 17th thru 19th, visit NYComedyMusic.com for details,
The Madam Opus compilation of Funny Songs by Funny Women is on sale for just $9.99 this month. Pick up your copy at TheFuMP.com,
Steve Goodie is at SteveGoodie.com,
Andy Corwin is at AndyCorwinMusic.com,
and together the two of them are Actual Size, which you can find at ActualSizeDuo.com
Thank you to our Patreon backers for helping make this show possible!
[download]If you were one of the few people on Earth who did NOT see Avengers Endgame this weekend then don't worry, this episode is completely SPOILER FREE! Except if you've been wanting to see the Netflix film "The Silence". With that one you're screwed in our "Horrible Movie Review" segment. But, aside from that, in this episode we pay tribute to the Avengers and we don't want you to bottle up those feelings either.
1. "Hey Marvel" by Michael William Hunter
2. Horrible Movie Review - The Silence
3. "Bottle It Up" by Chris Tavener
4. News of the Stupid!
5. "We Didn't Start the Fire" by The Cast of The Avengers
Michael William Hunter is the host of the Weird Alphabet podcast at pipedreampodcasts.com, and that song will be on The FuMP tomorrow,
Chris Tavener is on Twitter @ChrisTavener,
and The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon airs on NBC every night at 11:35, EST.
Thank you to our Patreon backers for helping make this show possible!!
[download]In case you didn't find all the hidden eggs this Easter, we're here to toss a few into your basket... you know, the ones that sat out all day and overnight. Mmmmmm!
1. "Seven Kingdom Army" by The White Walkers
2. "The Easter Song" by Paul and Storm
3. News of the Stupid!
4. "I'm Not Afraid of Zombies" by Rob Paravonian
The White Walkers are a fictional band created by The Merkins, the same guys who did that Slash Street Boys parody a while back.
Just google The Merkins and you'll find them.
Paul and Storm are at PaulAndStorm.com,
and Rob Paravonian is at RobPRocks.com
Thank you to our Patreon backers for helping make this show possible!
[download]Every theme in this show sucks so much it could be a Jeopardy category!
1. "I Only Do my Taxes when I Drink" by Bill Shipper
2. "Supermassive Black Hole" by Richard Cheese
3. News of the Stupid!
4. "Dumb Girls with Big Boobs" by Afterbirth Monkey
Bill Shipper is at BillShipper.com
Richard Cheese is at RichardCheese.com
And Afterbirth Monkey are at facebook.com/AfterbirthMonkey
Thank you to our Patreon backers for helping make this show possible!
[download]On this week's show we invade your privacy, from excessive paparazzi, to odd superhero butt stuff, to surgically altered junk (the man kind)! We's all up in tha bidness!
1. "TMZ" by Weird Al Yankovic
2. "Get Small (Anos of Thanos)" by Bonecage
3. News of the Stupid
4. "Darlin' Please" by Beth Patterson
Weird Al Yankovic is at WeirdAl.com
Bonecage is at TheBonecage.com
and Beth Patterson is at BethPattersonMusic.com
Shout out to our newest Patreon backer, DR. DON! Thank you to our Patreon backers for helping make this show possible!!
[download]April Fools! That’s right, this year April Fool’s Day fell on a Monday... which is why we’re giving you THIS episode on a TUESDAY! Get it? Ok, ok, In hindsight itâ€s stupid, but at least we didn’t try and tell you that Devo Spice is changing his name to Devo Herb. You’re welcome.
1. "April Fool" by Brave Combo
2. "You're Not Foolin' Anyone" by Whitney Avalon
3. News of the Stupid
4. "Life Sucks, Then You Die" by The Fools
Brave Combo is at BraveCombo.com
Whitney Avalon is at Whitneyavalonc.com
And The Fools are at Thefools-band.com
Shout-outs to this week's new backers on Patreon... WILDCARD!