[download]On this week's episode Devo harvests some tasty treats like Garden Fresh water, ripe impeachment and a side of pumpkin-headed pie.
1. "Water" by Garden Fresh
2. "The Good Fight's Animated Guide To Impeachment" by Jonathan Coulton
3. News of the Stupid
4. "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" by MC Lars and Mega Ran
Garden Fresh are at GardenFreshRap.com
Jonathan Coulton is at JonathanCoulton.com
MC Lars is at MCLars.com
and Mega Ran is at MegaRan.com
Thank you to our Patreon backers for helping make this show possible!
[download]This week Devo plays songs from wanking to wankers to waaaaaahhhh! Rated NSFW for durty wurds and innuendo, so plug in the earbuds well before the first song.
1. "San Diego" by South Park
2. "Signs of a Douchebag" by Caitlin Cook
3. News of the Stupid!
4. "Parent's Lament" by Jeff Whitmire
South Park is at SouthParkStudios.com
Caitlin Cook is at TheCaitlinCook.com
and Jeff Whitmire is at JeffWhitmire.bandcamp.com
Thank you to our Patreon backers for helping make this show possible!
[download]This week the claws come out with a new one from The Library Bards, things get kooky at a party, and people turn gay! Just your regular Monday around here.
1. "Welcome to Jurassic Park" by The Library Bards
2. "House Party at Arkham Asylum" by TV's Kyle
3. News of the Stupid
4. "Since My Baby Turned Gay" by Doodoo Wah
The Library Bards are at LibraryBards.com
TV's Kyle is at TVsKyle.bandcamp.com
and Doodoo Wah are at doodoowah.com
Thank you to our Patreon backers for helping make this show possible!
[download]This week's episode has handsy pervs, vigilante justice, and Greta Thunberg sounding more like what the situation calls for.
1. "Mar-a-lago-ville" by The Parody Project
2. "Maxine's Killer Mammers" by The Boobles
3. News of the Stupid
4. "Greta Thunberg sings Swedish Death Metal" by John Mollusk
The Parody Project is at parodyproject.com
The Boobles are at TheBoobles.org
and John Mollusk is at Suakatribe.bandcamp.com
Thank you to our Patreon backers for helping make this show possible!
[download]This week we storm Area 51, have a shindig in the sewer and look to the internet for our health care! Or maybe everyone should take the opposite approach....
1. "Party at Area 51" by Consortium of Genius
2. "Sewer Party" by Bonecage
3. News of the Stupid!
4. "Never Google Your Symptoms" by Henrik Widegren
Consortium of Genius are at Consortium of Genius.com
Bonecage is at TheBonecage.com
and Henrik Widegren is on YouTube
Thank you to our Patreon backers for helping make this show possible!
[download]On this episode: 'Tis the seasoning of the bitch, we resurrect the spirit of Jim Henson, and we wouldn't have this great show closer if it weren't for those meddling kids. Plus an alliterative show title and news of the stupid!
1. "Pumpkin Spice" by The Arrogant Worms
2. "Skeksis Back" by the great Luke Ski
3. News of the Stupid!
4. "Rock and Roll Scooby Doo" by Bob Rivers
The Arrogant Worms are at ArrogantWorms.com,
The great Luke Ski is at theGreatLukeSki.com,
and Bob Rivers is at BobRivers.com
Thank you to our Patreon backers for helping make this show possible.
[download]On this week's episode we celebrate the release of It Chapter 2 by breaking down into a puddle of goo at a Waffle House with members of Anthrax. Just listen and you'll understand!
1. "Skip That Clown" by Jeff Whitmire
2. "Waffle House" by MC Cone
3. News of the Stupid
4. "Seasoning the Obese" by S.O.D.
Jeff Whitmire is at jeffwhitmire.bandcamp.com
MC Cone is on SoundCloud at soundcloud.com/mc_cone
and SOD can be found at sod-mod.com
Thank you to our Patreon backers for helping make this show possible!
[download]Happy Labor Day! No, it doesn't necessarily mean that all pregnant women give birth today, though it's certainly possible... but it can mean that you get to work harder on your day off when you just wanna relax but everyone else wants to "do stuff"! As they are doing the stuff, pop some earbuds in and enjoy a 15 minute respite with this show!
1. "Pobody's Nerfect" by Whitney Avalon
2. "Omaha (Neil Young Ripoff #2)" by Stephen Lynch
3. News of the Stupid!
4. "Take Cover From the Flying Drone" by Mick Kahler and Al Flash
Whitney Avalon is at WhitneyAvalon.com
Stephen Lynch is at StephenLynch.com
and Mick Kahler and Al Flash are at youtube.com/alfleishman
Thank you to our Patreon backers for helping make this show possible!
[download]In this episode we turn back our clocks to pay tribute to two recently departed comedy musicians and one recently departed mode of retail entertainment delivery. Without this show, the kids would never know....
1. "God Told Me to Rob the 7-11" by Dick Price
2. "Wet Dream" by Kip Addotta
3. News of the Stupid!
4. "Rent in Peace" by Psychostick
Dick Price can be found on YouTube at YouTube.com/dicksditties
Kip Addotta's work can be found on Amazon
and Psychostick is at Psychostick.com
Thank you to our Patreon backers for helping make this show possible!!!
[download]In this episode we celebrate all that is Disney! Ok, that's not true, but we do have a song about Disneyland, a song about Star Wars (it's Disney now, get over it) and we enjoy those with a nice slice of Avocado Toast!
1. "Greatest Star Wars Movie in the World" by Clearly Guilty
2. "Avocado Toast" by The Cynthia Caplan Ordeal
3. News of the Stupid!
4. "Disneyland" by Steve Goodie
Clearly Guilty is at ClearlyGuilty.bandcamp.com
The Cynthia Kaplan Ordeal is at CynthiaKaplan.com
and Steve Goodie is at SteveGoodie.com
Thank you to our Patreon backers for helping make this show possible!