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2020-07-13: Manic Mondays Episode 682

682Cookin With Greece
[download]On this week's episode a lot of throats get Norse, there's a new place to choke the chicken, and we hear confessions of a Dork Knight.

1. "Valhalleluja" by Nanowar of Steel
2. "Jerkin' Off (in Your Mom's Car)" by Titty Citty
3. News of the Stupid
4. "I Am the Batman" by Brian Courtland

Nanowar of Steel is at
Titty Citty is at
and Brian Courtland is on YouTube

Thank you to our Patreon backers for helping make this show possible!!!

    2020-07-06: Manic Mondays Episode 681

    681Let Free Dumb Ring
    [download]It's 'Murica's birthday! Instead of regular candles, light those Roman candles and celebrate the free to be dumb! We'll also celebrate the comedy of the legend Carl Reiner whom we lost last week, and we go out with a itty-bitty bang from Karen's gun.

    1. "Blow Things Up" by The Belle Isle Rats
    2. "The 2000 Year Old Man - 1967" - Carl Reiner and Mel Brooks
    3. News of the Stupid!
    4. "Karen's Got a Gun" by Jonathan Mann

    The Belle Isle Rats are at
    Carl Reiner's work can be found on Amazon. His official Twitter account is
    and Jonathan Mann is at

    Thank you to our Patreon backers for helping make this show possible!!!

      2020-06-29: Manic Mondays Episode 680

      [download]On this week's episode we do a little reminiscing and pull out a a re-do of a classic Tom Lehrer song that's appropriate these days, plus another classic by the great Luke Ski that's just fine as is, and Worm Quartet outdoes himself!

      1. "I Got it from Agnes" by Thomas Benjamin Wild Esq. and Tom Carradine
      2. "MC Freberg" by the great Luke Ski
      3. News of the Stupid
      4. "Pac-Man Is 40 and So Should You" by Worm Quartet

      Thomas Benjamin Wild Esquire is at
      The great Luke Ski is at
      and Worm Quartet is at

      Thank you to our Patreon backers for helping make this show possible!

        2020-06-22: Manic Mondays Episode 679

        679Like One Big Dad Joke
        [download]Yesterday was Father's Day and this week we sort-of honor daddy, the author of the "too soon" comment, the sipper of the Scotch, and the guru of the grill. Thank your father kids... "THANKS DAD."

        1. "Too Soon" by Steve Goodie
        2. "Daddy Drinks Because You Cry" by Bad Beth and Beyond
        3. News of the Stupid!
        4. "First Bratwurst of Summer" by Those Darn Accordions

        Steve Goodie is at
        Bad Beth and Beyond is at
        and Those Darn Accordions are at

        Thank you to our Patreon backers for making this show possible!!! This week, Patreon backers can SEE Seamonkey's Comedy Music Interview Series #6: Carla Ulbrich! Become a backer for more extra content!

          2020-06-15: Manic Mondays Episode 678

          678Total Dicks
          [download]This week's episode is the Van Dyke, Cavett, and Gregory of episodes because this one's chock full o' dicks! From the wiener/pee-pee kind to the top of the political food chain sort, these songs all go hard on the comedy!

          1. "Honky Tonkin' Hip Hop Whore" by Undercover Funtime
          2. "Picture Me" by Brian Woodbury
          3. News of the Stupid!
          4. "The Bunker Boy" by Randy Rainbow

          Undercover Funtime is at
          Brian Woodbury is at
          and Randy Rainbow is at

          Thank you to our Patreon backers for helping make this show possible!!!

            2020-06-08: Manic Mondays Episode 677

            677Yin and Yang Cray Cray
            [download]As America and the rest of the world protest racism, which should have been eradicated AT LEAST decades ago, amidst a global pandemic that hasn't been eradicated nor vaccinated, we're all just trying to stay sane! Staying sane isn't easy though when your balm is songs about social distance sex and anything from TV's Kyle! Just sit back and enjoy your dose of some of that good cray-cray amidst all the bad. Aaaand the universe is balanced.

            1. "Text from a Boy" by Tahlia's World
            2. "Corona, Corona, Corona! - A Booty Call" by Dominic Frisby
            3. News of the Stupid!
            4. "I Love You Hat" by TV's Kyle

            Tahlia's World is at Tahlia's
            Dominic Frisby is at
            and TV's Kyle is at

            Thank you to our Patreon backers for helping make this show possible!!!

              2020-06-01: Manic Mondays Episode 676

              676Smiling Through the Pain
              [download]It's been a rough year and a really rough week. Please be good to each other, especially to our African-American communities. People are hurting and just need us to listen and be supportive and know that we truly believe that black lives do matter. You do to us. Our condolences to the George Floyd family.
              That said we're going to do what MM does best and that's put a little musical balm on your woe-is-me Monday morning blues, so get ready for the return of Robert Lund and Spaff, hear what it's like when computers pen rock songs, and brothers and sisters, comedy music hears you.

              1. "Quarantinaville" by Robert Lund and
              2. "AI/DC" by Funk Turkey
              3. News of the Stupid
              4. "DWB" by Roy Zimmerman

              Robert Lund is at
              Spaff is at
              Funk Turkey is at
              and Roy Zimmerman is at

              Thank you to our Patreon backers for helping make this show possible.

                2020-05-25: Manic Mondays Episode 675

                675Killing Time
                [download]By now we're all a little bit used to being sequestered and have found ways to bide our time/carry on during a global pandemic. Online meetings, birthdays and weddings, learning new crafts... it all sounds good until you try and pull them off! And some things... don't need to be tried.

                1. "Everybody's on Zoom" by Carla Ulbrich
                2. "I Can Sufficiently Rock You Now" by Power Salad
                3. News of the Stupid!
                4. "Kill Your Parents" by Enpsychopedia Brutalica

                Carla Ulbrich is at
                Power Salad is at
                and Enpsychopedia Brutalica is at

                Thank you to our Patreon backers for helping make this show possible!!!

                  2020-05-18: Manic Mondays Episode 674

                  674Ser Madre Es Una Perra
                  [download]In this week's episode we get the real on dope on motherhood straight from the teat, Luke and Carrie titled it first, and we hear first hand how Devo Spice has lost track of time and space as you get a Spanish lesson a couple of weeks too late.

                  1. "The Truth About Motherhood" by Jessica Delfino
                  2. "Scoob" by the great Luke Ski
                  3. News of the Stupid!
                  4. "I'm Speaking Spanish" by Joe J Thomas

                  Jessica Delfino is at
                  The great Luke Ski is at
                  Carrie Dahlby is at
                  and Joe J Thomas is at

                  Shout-outs to this week's new backer on Patreon: Scott Kitchen!
                  Thank you to all our Patreon backers for making this show possible!

                    2020-05-11: Manic Mondays Episode 673

                    673Stir Crazy
                    [download]Whew, this self-iso has folks getting a liiiiiittle bit cray-cray... and we're here for it! No, not in the Jesus-take-the-wheel-of-my-monster-truck-flying-a-confederate-flag cray-cray way, we're here for the entertainment value! In this episode Devo Spice and Bonecage go Plandemic, Mommy gets nutso, and we're all going everywhere yet nowhere fast.

                    1. "Nothin' but Truth" by Devo Spice
                    2. "Mommy Mommy Mommy" by Sue Fabisch
                    3. News of the COVID!
                    4. "I've Been Everywhere (COVID-19 Version)" by Jonathan Byrd

                    Devo Spice is at
                    Sue Fabisch is at
                    and Jonathan Byrd is at

                    Thank you to our Patreon backers for helping make this show possible!!!