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2020-05-11: Manic Mondays Episode 673

673Stir Crazy
[download]Whew, this self-iso has folks getting a liiiiiittle bit cray-cray... and we're here for it! No, not in the Jesus-take-the-wheel-of-my-monster-truck-flying-a-confederate-flag cray-cray way, we're here for the entertainment value! In this episode Devo Spice and Bonecage go Plandemic, Mommy gets nutso, and we're all going everywhere yet nowhere fast.

1. "Nothin' but Truth" by Devo Spice
2. "Mommy Mommy Mommy" by Sue Fabisch
3. News of the COVID!
4. "I've Been Everywhere (COVID-19 Version)" by Jonathan Byrd

Devo Spice is at
Sue Fabisch is at
and Jonathan Byrd is at

Thank you to our Patreon backers for helping make this show possible!!!

    2020-05-04: Manic Mondays Episode 672

    672May Zero Final Trilogy or Prequel Songs Be With You
    [download]We've waited five long years for May the Fourth to land on a Monday and we're not wasting it! Actually, five years ago I don't think this show batted a lightsaber at the notion, but this time we've got the Star Wars songs you and the public love and want to hear!
    (It may be a little telling that two out of three songs are about Baby Yoda and one is a classic about the original trilogy. Sorry Rey, Finn and young Annakin.)

    1. "Baby Yoda" by Beth Kinderman
    2. "Small Round Yoda" by the great Luke Ski
    3. News of the Stupid!
    4. "Star Wars Cantina" by Mark Jonathan Davis

    Beth Kinderman is at,
    The great Luke Ski is at,
    and Mark Jonathan Davis is at

    Thank you to our Patreon backers for helping make this show possible!

      2020-04-27: Manic Mondays Episode 671

      671Naked Lunch
      [download]By now we're all feeling the effects of self-isolation, and it's spilling over into our comedy music like a toilet after your toddler showed their favorite stuffed animal the "whirlpool"! But hey, at least we can grin and bare it! No, really. Like, if you're isolating you can TOTALLY be naked when you make a sandwich while working. I do it all the time.

      1. "Do You Want To..." by The Holderness Family
      2. "Dr. Fauci" by Carrie Dahlby
      3. News of the COVID!
      4. "Are You Still Watching?" by Dino-Mike

      The Holderness Family are at
      Carrie Dahlby is at
      and Dino-Mike is at

      Thank you to our Patreon backers for helping make this show possible!!!

        2020-04-20: Manic Mondays Episode 670

        670That COVID Life
        [download]On this week's episode Devo explores the reality of that COVID life and how creative (or not) we've all been this past month and the courage it takes just to get groceries!

        1. "Dr. Seuss Raps over Dr. Dre Beats" by Wes Tank
        2. "What I Should Be Doing" by Bill Larkin
        3. News of the Stupid
        4. "When Gramma Braved the Line at Costco" by Lauren Mayer

        Wes Tank is on YouTube, just google him
        Bill Larkin is at
        and Lauren Mayer is at

        Thank you to our Patreon backers for helping make this show possible!!!

          2020-04-13: Manic Mondays Episode 669

          669Cadburied, or, Tough Brachs - Pandemic Easter 2020 Edition
          [download]For a lot of us this Easter came and went with nary a colored egg, plastic blade of grass, or over-cologne'd handshake from that one deacon at your church... and you can tell by this episode's track list! Not a bunny in sight nor a whiff of chocolate!
          However, we do have some sweet tracks by TV's Kyle, Power Salad and Psychostick, plus we've hidden a couple of special Easter eggs at the end of the show so we can take you to church proper in these pandemic times! Thanks Easter Bunny, bawk bawk!

          1. "Walk Like a Walk Guy" by TV's Kyle
          2. "Sleep Shirt" by Power Salad
          3. News of the Stupid!
          4. "We Ran Out of CD Space Live" by Psychostick
          Bonus Easter Eggs:
          "Kenneth Copeland's Wind of God Remix" and "The Judgement of Covid 19 Metal Remix" by WTFBrahh

          TV's Kyle is at,
          Power Salad is at,
          Psychostick is at
          and WTFBrahh is at

          Shout-outs to this week's new backer on Patreon!
          Mini Nifty!

          Thank you to our Patreon backers for helping make this show possible!!! Patreon backers will get an extra dose of News this week so be sure to check your Patreon feeds!

            2020-04-06: Manic Mondays Episode 668

            668Aural Distancing
            [download]This week we social distance a bit and play only one song about the COVID-19 pandemic... though reading the titles of this week's featured songs kind of describes our last month here in America!

            1. "Hey There Corona" by The Kiffness
            2. "Raining Lobsters" by Bill McClintock
            3. News of the Stupid!
            4. "We Probably Should've Discussed This Beforehand" by Mighty Magiswords

            The Kiffness is at
            Bill McClintock is on YouTube, just google him
            and Mighty Magiswords is at

            Thank you to our Patreon backers for helping make this show possible!!!

              2020-03-30: Manic Mondays Episode 667

              667Rona To The Cor
              [download]It's always been "laughter", but now we may have to change the saying to, "DISTANCE is the best medicine!" This week's episode is, yep, you guessed it, alllllll about the 'Rona! It's almost like we have been forced to stay indoors and think of nothing else. So here are 3 songs to make sure your thoughts aren't straying.

              1. "I Believe I'm in Quarantine" by Lords of the Trident
              2. "One Week of COVID-19" by Pepper Coyote
              3. News of the Stupid!
              4. "Everything Is Cancelled" by Devo Spice

              Lords of the Trident are at
              Pepper Coyote is at
              and Devo Spice is at

              Thank you to our Patreon backers for helping make this show possible!

                2020-03-23: Manic Mondays Episode 666

                666The Most Non Satan Yet Still Evil 666 Show Ever
                [download]This week is Episode 666, which is evident due to the pandemic unleashed upon our planet! I mean, why WOULDN'T it be that these two things converge so perfectly? Could it be because... GOD HATES COMEDY MUSICIANS?!?!?!? Enjoy your heathen music, sinners!

                1. "COVID-19" by Sam Chaplin
                2. DEMENTIA BREAKDOWN: "The LOUD Album" by Carla Ulbrich
                3. "Fat Elvis" by Carla Ulbrich
                4. News of the INFECTED! Ok... STUPID.
                5. "House Husband" by Sneer

                Sam Chaplin is at
                Carla Ulbrich is at, or, same place,
                and Sneer is at

                Thank you to our Patreon backers for helping make this show possible... and WASH YO HANDS!!!

                  2020-03-16: Manic Mondays Episode 665

                  665No Pinching This Year
                  [download]It's St. Patrick's Day!! The day when we all don something green and congregate to share pitchers of green beer and pinch the bejeezus out of the poor souls without anything green on!
                  Ah who are we kidding? It's just another CORONAVIRUS day, we're all staying in, everyone blowing their nose is praying they DON'T see green, and for god's sake no pinching... DO NOT TOUCH ME!! Happy St. Paddy's, everyone!

                  1. "There's Plenty of Toilet Paper for Everyone" by Lauren Mayer
                  2. "Fluffy's Master Plan for World Domination 2.0" by Amy Engelhardt
                  3. News of the Covid!
                  4. "Green Beer" by Duck Logic

                  Lauren Mayer is at
                  Amy Engelhardt is at
                  and Duck Logic is at

                  Thank you to our Patreon backers for helping make this show possible!

                    2020-03-09: Manic Mondays Episode 664

                    66450 Scent
                    [download]This week Devo Spice is back fresh from another successful Marscon while Seamonkey is nursing a sore body from miniature golf and a single go-kart ride! What a difference the big 5-0 makes! Speaking of Five-Oh, we should have the cops called on us for playing another version of Old Town Road, but we redeem ourselves with some Tony Goldmark on Luke Ski. You're welcome for that mental image.

                    1. "The Big Five-O" by Doodoo Wah
                    2. "Ghost Town Road" by Watt White
                    3. News of the Stupid!
                    4. "You Don't Know Jack" by Tony Goldmark

                    Doodoo Wah is at
                    Watt White is at
                    and Tony Goldmark is at

                    Thank you to our Patreon backers for helping make this show possible!!