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2021-02-08: Manic Mondays Episode 712

712Stupor Spreader Event
[download]On this week's episode we begin by celebrating February Album Writing Month, then jump on the sports bandwagon, and end up by getting real neighborly!

1. “Lexi and Goggly” by Meri Amber
2. “Bandwagon Fan” by Ross Childs
3. News of the Stupid!
4. “Loathe thy Neighbor” by Psychostick

Meri Amber is at
Ross Childs is at
and Psychostick is at

Thank you to our Patreon backers for helping make this show possible!!

    2021-02-01: Manic Mondays Episode 711

    711Audio Brain Freeze
    [download]It's episode 711, and while we make no mention of Slurpees or Big Wheels, Devo Spice is open so you can run in for a few things. Don't consume too fast or you'll get brain freeze!

    1. “The Agony of a Year Without End (Billionaire Proctologist Mothman with Ebola)” by The Gothsicles
    2. “Get Me Outta Retail” by Sci-Fried
    3. News of the Stupid
    4. “I Grew a Beard” by The Arrogant Worms

    The Gothsicles are at
    Sci-Fried is at
    and The Arrogant Worms are at

    Thank you to our Patreon backers for helping make this show possible!!!

      2021-01-25: Manic Mondays Episode 710

      710Live at MarsCon 2020 Pre-Pandemix
      [download]Harken back with me to the days of yesteryear, when people went to hotels and congregated around comedic and demented music... it seems so long ago, doesn't it? We're giving you a shot in the arm this week with highlights from the MarsCon 2020 Comedy Music Track, and don't forget to pick up the full version at the link at the bottom!

      1. “They’re Not on My Diet” by Kornflake
      2. “Sit on My Face” by Karl Brown
      3. News of the Stupid
      4. “Mr. Darkside” by Il Neige

      Kornflake is at
      Karl Brown is at
      Il Neige can be found on YouTube
      and get the MarsCon 2020 Comedy Music Track Fundraiser at

      Thank you to our Patreon backers for making this show possible!!!

        2021-01-18: Manic Mondays Episode 709

        709Out With The Old and In With The Older
        [download]As America takes out the trash with the worst President in history and replaces him with someone who just four years ago was sitting on the curb for free pickup, at least maybe we've all heard the last of songs about Trump. But who are we kidding, we've still got one last episode to fill before the U-Hauls show up on Pennsylvania Avenue.

        1. “Hey There America” by The Holderness Family
        2. “Fucked Around and Found Out” by Killy Dwyer
        3. News of the Stupid!
        4. “Impeached Again, Naturally” by Founders Sing

        The Holderness Family are on YouTube
        Killy Dwyer is at
        and Founders Sing are at

        Thank you to our Patreon backers for helping make this show possible!!!

          2021-01-11: Manic Mondays Episode 708

          708I Dream of Meannie
          [download]On this week's episode, Devo Spice looks forward and back... at the same time... which makes him look a little like a Marty Feldman cosplay. Good thing this isn't TV.
          This week we look forward to another President, go to the dark side for one of the best from The FuMP 2020, and reach further back for a classic MJD parody.
          Trump still has the nuke codes for about a week so rehearse your 1950s hide-under-a-table bomb drills while you listen to this week's episode!

          1. “Dump Trump” by Darth Nater
          2. “Mr. Darkside” by Il Neige
          3. News of the Stupid!
          4. “Jeannie's Diner” by Mark Jonathan Davis

          Darth Nater is at
          Il Neige is at
          and Mark Jonathan Davis is at

          Thank you to our Patreon backers for helping make this show possible!!!

            2021-01-04: Manic Mondays Episode 707

            707Picking Up Where Hindsight Left Off
            [download]Now that 2020 is behind us, we need that hindsight more than ever! Things CAN get worse and so we must embrace and adapt and have the FORESIGHT to understand that. Which is why Devo Spice has curated the songs in this week's show to address the new normal where we are just gonna GO FOR IT and embrace, binge, gorge and purge... and maybe even pee our pants!

            1. “I Bet I Can Eat More Waffles Than You” by Insane Ian
            2. “Peed in My Pants” by Knuckleheadz
            3. News of the Stupid!
            4. “Social Distancing Butterfly” by Anthony Kapfer

            InsaneIan is at and his new EP can be found at
            Knuckleheadz are at, that’s Knuckleheadz with a Z
            and Anthony Kapfer is at

            Thank you to our Patreon backers for helping make this show possible!!!

              2020-12-28: Manic Mondays Episode 706

              706The End of the Year As We Knew It and We Feel Meh
              [download]Well, 2020 was... oh look, my trauma defense mechanism is already wiping my memory of one of the worst years in human history! If the bliss of amnesia has also hit you, come revel in our year-end wrap up show, including the best of 2020's News of the Stupid and some of the most uplifting songs about the year that, unfortunately, was.

              1. “This Year Is a Dumpster Fire” by The Holderness Family
              2. News of the Stupid
              3. “End of the World” by Henry Phillips
              4. News of the Stupid - Best of 2020!
              5. “In the Year 2020” by Drew Jacobs

              The Holderness Family are on YouTube
              Henry Phillips is at
              and Drew Jacobs is at

              Thank you to our Patreon backers for helping make this show possible!!!

                2020-12-21: Manic Mondays Episode 705

                705COVID Christmas 3, Masks Under the Mistletoe
                [download]It's our final episode before Christmas and we're gonna execute this maneuver like two masked faces standing beneath mistletoe! Yeah, it's awkward, but the sentiment is there.
                We wish all of our listeners (look, if you want our blessing, you gotta listen) a very SAFE yet very happy holiday. Love each other, we're all we've got.

                1. “Oh God, I’m Santa Claus!” by The Arrogant Worms
                2. “Merry Christmas Robot Christ” by Bonecage
                3. News of the Stupid!
                4. “Won’t Be Ho Ho Home for the Holidays” by Reformed Whores

                The Arrogant Worms are at, and don’t forget to go to to pick up their free Christmas album!
                Bonecage is at
                and the Reformed Whores are at

                Thank you to our Patreon backers for helping make this show possible!!!

                  2020-12-14: Manic Mondays Episode 704

                  704COVID Christmas 2, Telecommunicable
                  [download]We continue our slide towards Christmas 2020, like a really weary old traveler trying to keep his footing on a frozen incline... yep, we're gonna fall on our ass. But never fear, here's some holiday music to take your minds off of that and back to the wonderful la-la land we call "The Season"!

                  1. “Santa’s Gonna Telecommute This Christmas (COVID-19 Version)” by Power Salad
                  2. “Ghosts of Christmas” by TV’s Kyle
                  3. News of the Stupid
                  4. “Christmas Is Almost Here” by The Arrogant Worms

                  Power Salad is at
                  TV’s Kyle is at
                  and The Arrogant Worms are at

                  Thank you to our Patreon backers for helping make this show possible!!!

                    2020-12-07: Manic Mondays Episode 703

                    703COVID Christmas 1, Baby Its Contagious Outside
                    [download]On this week's episode Devo Spice breaks out the tree, trims it with lights, sets it ablaze and puts it out with egg nog! In other words, Spice gets seasony!

                    1. “Have A Covid Lockdown Xmas!” by Joe J Thomas
                    2. Overthrow Santa Claus” by Joe Messina
                    3. News of the Stupid
                    4. “Grandma’s Killer Fruitcake” by Dr. Elmo
                    5. BONUS SONG UNDER THE TREE: “Judgment on COVID-19 goes HEAVY METAL (Kenneth Copeland Remix)” by Andre Antunes

                    Joe J Thomas is at
                    Joe Messina is at
                    Dr. Elmo is at
                    and Andre Antunes is on YouTube.

                    Thank you to our Patreon backers for helping make this show possible!!!