[download]On this week's episode we're pulling things off, like programming from HBO Max, successful comedy music Kickstarters and, um, ourselves.
1. “Strokin' (It's More Than a Feeling)†by Bill McClintock
2. “Kyle and Luke Talk About Toons Theme Song†by TV’s Kyle and the great Luke Ski
3. News of the Stupid!
4. “Reaver Drinking Song†by Marc Gunn
Bill McClintock is on YouTube
TV’s Kyle is at TVsKyle.bandcamp.com
The great Luke Ski is at thegreatLukeSki.com and their podcast can be found at kyleandluke.libsyn.com
and MarcGunn is at marcgunn.com
Thank you to our Patreon backers for helping make this show possible!!!
[download]On this week's episode we couldn't get any more dopey, like none more dopey, what with the newest on the FBI raid of Mar-A-Lago songified, Q-Anon in NOTS and in song, and a groove that is literally too dope for the artist.
1. “I Dream of Declassification†by Lauren Mayer
2. “This Groove (Is Too Dope for Us)†by Scooter Picnic
3. News of the Stupid!
4. “Q-Anon Girl†by Steve Goodie
Lauren Mayer is at laurenmayer.com,
Scooter Picnic is at ScooterPicnic.bandcamp.com,
and Steve Goodie is at SteveGoodie.com
Thank you to our Patreon backers for helping make this show possible!!!
[download]On this week's episode we apparently get hungry for corn made of air. Hey, sometimes the songs flow and sometimes we get a truly demented overarching manufactured theme. Well now we're hungry, so time for a nice empty bowl of Corn Pops!
1. “Food Food Food†by Steve Goodie
2. “The Great Cornholio†by the great Luke Ski
3. News of the Stupid!
4. “She’s an Extra†by Carla Ulbrich
Steve Goodie is at SteveGoodie.com
The great Luke Ski is at thegreatLukeSki.com
and Carla Ulbrich is at CarlaU.com
Thank you to our Patreon backers for helping make this show possible!!!
[download]The show's title this week has to do with the episode number rather than the content, but we've waited for this for years so give us a break! As to the items on this week's show, we're banking that 1 and 4 are more scared of 2, but 3 is actually the scariest of them all!
1. “Scarif Beach Party†by “Weird Al†Yankovic
2. “Centobite†by Jeff Whitmire
3. News of the Stupid!
4. “Still†by Mikey Mason
Weird Al Yankovic is at WeirdAl.com and Lego Star Wars Summer Vacation is now streaming on Disney Plus,
Jeff Whitmire is on YouTube at JeffWhitmire47,
and Mikey Mason is at MikeyMason.com
Thank you to our Patreon backers for helping make this show possible!!!
[download]On this week's show Devo Spice is buzzing with excitement... that or something is pollenating his brain! We also get a little upside-down and we pay homage to Nichelle Nichols.
1. “No One Believes Me (Satirical Stranger Things Song)†by Captain Ambivalent
2. “You Might Be a Trekkie (Live at MarsCon 2006)†by the great Luke Ski
3. News of the Stupid!
4. “Angry Bees Are In Your Skull†by Jordan Sunlight
Captain Ambivalent is at CaptainAmbivalent.com
The great Luke Ski is at LukeSki.com
And Jordan Sunlight is at https://jordansunlight.neocities.org/
Thank you to our Patreon backers for helping make this show possible!!!
[download]This week is Shark Week, with has nothing to do with comedy music... or DOES it? Well maybe you also like old school stuff like dinosaurs and volcanoes too... so we're just gonna Nat Geo the crap outta this week's episode!!
1. “Shark Week†by Marian Call
2. “Jurassic World 12†by Tom Cardy
3. News of the Stupid!
4. “The Volcano Song†by Logan Whitehurst
Marian Call is at mariancall.bandcamp.com
Tom Cardy is on YouTube and TikTok
and Logan Whitehurst is at loganwhitehurst.com
Thank you to our Patreon backers for helping make this show possible!!!
[download]On this week's episode we celebrate the crunkest car on the road, the documentarian is documented in song, and mmmmm... fooooooood.
1. “My Prius†by Tom McGovern featuring A. Rob
2. “Get Louis (Theroux)†by Tom Cardy
3. News of the Stupid!
4. “Food Food Food†by Steve Goodie
Tom McGovern is at tommcgovern.com
Tom Cardy is on YouTube and TikTok
and Steve Goodie is at SteveGoodie.com
Thank you to our Patreon backers for helping make this show possible!!!
[download]As this summer continues to fry us to a nice golden crisp, Devo Spice plays some songs that bring to mind this toaster-oven of seasons and ends with what we're actually going to be doing... which is stay inside where it's nice and cool and play video games!
1. “Song Written by a Shark†by Matty Hutson
2. “Green Day Narrates Your Summer†by The Holderness Family
3. News of the Stupid
4. “Shadow of the Dawn of the Rise of the Video Game Medley Part V: Origins - the Beginning HD†by Insane Ian
Matty Hutson is at MattyHutson.com
The Holderness Family are on YouTube
and Insane Ian is at InsaneIan.bandcamp.com
Thank you to our Patreon backers for helping make this show possible!!!
[download]On this week's episode we celebrate our ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhh freedom while our dogs try not to crap themselves over how we do it! Bust out the doggie diapers! We also answer the question of, "What's in the baaaaaaaaaag" (because, "What's in the booooooooox," wasn't enough), and she still watch channel zero. Free to be dumb!
1. “America†by Roy Zimmerman
2. “Nathan's Resealable Bag†by The Belle Isle Rats
3. News of the Stupid!
4. “The Black Mirror Episode†by Open Mike Eagle
Roy Zimmerman is at RoyZImmerman.com
The Belle Isle Rats are at BelleIsleRats.com
and Open Mike Eagle is at MikeEagle.net
Thank you to our Patreon backers for helping make this show possible!!!
[download]On this week's episode we turn the clock waaaaaaaaay back.
1. “A Trip to Jurassic World ‘22†by Chris Wolvie
2. “If My Uterus Were a Gun†by Lauren Mayer
3. News of the Stupid
4. “We Can Afford It†by Joe Messina
Chris Wolvie is at wolvieprods.com,
Lauren Mayer is at YouTube.com/psychosupermom,
and Joe Messina is at joemessina.bandcamp.com.
Thank you to our Patreon backers for helping make this show possible!!!